Mid cycle bloodwork


New Member
I just got my blood taken today morning and here are the results. Blood taken 4 weeks into the cycle, 250mg test E/week, injecting once a week. Blood was taken in the morning before my next injection (so 7 days after the last pin). Probably not an optimal time, but I didn't have another option.

I am particularly curious about the free androgen index. I assume the higher it is, the better for me as there is more test flowing in my blood?

My plan is to stick with 250mg/week for total of 10 weeks. Should I consider titrating up? I have nolva and arimidex on hand, just in case.

I just got my blood taken today morning and here are the results. Blood taken 4 weeks into the cycle, 250mg test E/week, injecting once a week. Blood was taken in the morning before my next injection (so 7 days after the last pin). Probably not an optimal time, but I didn't have another option.

I am particularly curious about the free androgen index. I assume the higher it is, the better for me as there is more test flowing in my blood?

My plan is to stick with 250mg/week for total of 10 weeks. Should I consider titrating up? I have nolva and arimidex on hand, just in case.

View attachment 269265

That all looks totally typical for your dose and injection frequency.

However, 10 weeks is very short, especially for your conservative dosing, you could comfortably run that dose out to 16-20 weeks without issue in all likelihood.

How do you feel so far on the cycle? Haven't you started to notice any estrogenic side effects? (Acne, skin more oily than normal, nipple sensitivity or itching)
Given your dosing and that this blood draw was taking a full week since your last injection, those e2 levels are a bit higher than I would expect, nothing alarmingly so, but just a good indicator that you have a pretty strong aromatization response. If you choose to titrate up, I would fully expect to need an AI.
especially for your conservative dosing
Hi! Maybe he's 160 lbs? ))

e2 levels are a bit higher than I would expect, nothing alarmingly so, but just a good indicator that you have a pretty strong aromatization response
E2 follows Test but with a lag. Given the frequency of pins it`s difficult to determine the equilibrium estradiol level.

However, 10 weeks is very short
If you choose to titrate up, I would fully expect to need an AI.
I agree ;)
Hi! Maybe he's 160 lbs? ))
Could be, and that would impact his bloodwork slightly, but not more than regular individual factors would.
If he's just a small guy, I guess the question would be "should he be taking test at all"
For the simple subject, on the topic of his bloodwork, I'd personally still call 250mg a conservative dose for most any recreational user.

Not that that's a bad thing, a lot of guys take way too much, but it's definitely lower than the standard.
E2 follows Test but with a lag. Given the frequency of pins it`s difficult to determine the equilibrium estradiol level.
Yeah naturally e2 fluctuations should follow test fluctuations with a delay, how long that delay is is anyone's guess because it will be dependant the individuals receptor density and clearance rates.

Given the big gap in once a week injections I agree, it draws out those fluctuations and will make it more difficult. However we can reasonably expect that his peak levels will be considerably higher than what this bloodwork is showing, even if it isn't an accurate representation of his e2 trough.
However we can reasonably expect that his peak levels will be considerably higher than what this bloodwork is showing, even if it isn't an accurate representation of his e2 trough.
That's right! That's why I agree about AI ;)
Your blood work looks pretty good.

more free (active) test ;-) is better, right.

You can if you need to.
How much do you weigh?
Is it your first cycle?
It is my first cycle. I am currently 175 lbs - have reached my on stage weight cap this year in natural comp. So I decided to step it up.

That all looks totally typical for your dose and injection frequency.

However, 10 weeks is very short, especially for your conservative dosing, you could comfortably run that dose out to 16-20 weeks without issue in all likelihood.

How do you feel so far on the cycle? Haven't you started to notice any estrogenic side effects? (Acne, skin more oily than normal, nipple sensitivity or itching)
Given your dosing and that this blood draw was taking a full week since your last injection, those e2 levels are a bit higher than I would expect, nothing alarmingly so, but just a good indicator that you have a pretty strong aromatization response. If you choose to titrate up, I would fully expect to need an AI.
I don't have any side effects at all. All my lifts went up. I generally feel more confidence, pumps in the gym are better. That's about it.

I do have a coach, though I am gathering more opinions. Current plan is to stick with 10 weeks and apparently I should not need any PCT on this dose. I would like to know your opinion on this. Would that change on a longer cycle?

Here is my bloodwork pre-cycle. E2 was in the higher range.

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Current plan is to stick with 10 weeks

Definitely follow your coaches plan then, shorter isn't bad for a first go, especially if you are younger.
and apparently I should not need any PCT on this dose.

You may or may not need need pct to make your natural hormone recovery period more tolerable, but bloodwork would determine this. Seeing from your BW that your lh and fsh aren't in the toilet, you'll probably recover without pct meds fine.
I would like to know your opinion on this. Would that change on a longer cycle?
It very likely would change with a longer cycle length. Generally speaking, the longer you spend suppressed the longer/harder it is to recover natural production.

Given it's your first cycle and you're working with a coach already, stay with your coaches plan.
Current plan is to stick with 10 weeks and apparently I should not need any PCT on this dose
Either way you need PCT. Lighter or heavier, that is the question.
Otherwise you could lose everything you've gained.