Greens TRT blood thread

I did a whole sleep study at a hospital, hooked up a bunch of wires and shit to measure o2 and rem cycles. I'm not smart enough to really explain it
I really need to do a sleep study. Waiting for better insurance to start in the new year. Pretty sure I have apnea. Even natty my H+H was well above range. Now on TRT I take grapefruit seed extract and my H&H hovers just a tiny bit above range. Otherwise my diet and exercise and everything else is the same. Some people have pretty good success with GSE for H+H.

My mistake. I thought I read you were only doing cardio. Nice! Congrats on the loss and good luck on the journey. You'll get there. No doubt.

What is your plan for the E2?
I'll probably run what you suggested. I know my e2 is high, but I don't wanna overdo it and potentially hyperreact to an AI so 6.25 sounds like a better starting point. I'll just have a quick turnaround on an e2 only blood test
I really need to do a sleep study. Waiting for better insurance to start in the new year. Pretty sure I have apnea. Even natty my H+H was well above range. Now on TRT I take grapefruit seed extract and my H&H hovers just a tiny bit above range. Otherwise my diet and exercise and everything else is the same. Some people have pretty good success with GSE for H+H.
Couple things I found when investigating my sleep apnea using a sleep monitor which correlated with more O2 drops during the night.

1. Waking up in the morning with a headache
2. Waking up during the night by snorting myself awake
Your E2 it's very high and this is not healthy for you. 6.25 mg twice a week is far from a dose that will crash that high of E2. The nice thing is that Exemastane will lower your E2 quickly so you can get a blood test pretty soon after starting to see what effect it has. Also Exemastane can lower E2 rapidly but it is much harder to fully tank your E2 than with Anastrozole.

If I had E2 a. As high as yours I would feel like absolute shit. It's different for every guy but most like it somewhere in mid 20's to mid 30.
Your E2 it's very high and this is not healthy for you. 6.25 mg twice a week is far from a dose that will crash that high of E2. The nice thing is that Exemastane will lower your E2 quickly so you can get a blood test pretty soon after starting to see what effect it has. Also Exemastane can lower E2 rapidly but it is much harder to fully tank your E2 than with Anastrozole.

If I had E2 a. As high as yours I would feel like absolute shit. It's different for every guy but most like it somewhere in mid 20's to mid 30.
I mean I don't feel as amazing as I did when I started TRT, but still wayy better than before it lol. Just quartered my first pill, maybe if it drops to a reasonable level it will feel more like that honeymoon phase.
I really need to do a sleep study. Waiting for better insurance to start in the new year. Pretty sure I have apnea. Even natty my H+H was well above range. Now on TRT I take grapefruit seed extract and my H&H hovers just a tiny bit above range. Otherwise my diet and exercise and everything else is the same. Some people have pretty good success with GSE for H+H.
I had a friend with insurance that made a sleep study tough. He used lofta, they diagnosed and wrote a script he just outright bought the CPAP.

