Missing a Pin?


New Member
Hi all, I did do some forum searches on this but I still felt the advice was quite differing and wanted a more direct response.

I'd be on a 12 week cycle of your basic Test-E only. 500mgs a week @ 250mg 2x a week.

My question is- several weeks in, I've got a trip I need to make and I'll be flying so obviously I can't bring anything with me. For that week, I'll probably get my 1st shot in of the 250. Then I'll be gone for 4-5 days so I'll miss the 2nd 250 for that week.

What do you guys suggest I do? I'm thinking just forget it, that one week I'll only have 250 instead of 500. Just pick up again the next week like I never even missed. Thoughts? Other suggestion? Thank you.

I'm just trying to keep it simple, nothing fancy. It just seems skipping that 1 pin basically and just starting the next week on my normal days is a simple way of doing this.
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I guess so. But I was thinking I'm doing 250 2x a week for many weeks up to that point, does it make sense to just do 500 in one go at that point? Blood level stability? I guess doing it for one week wouldn't matter?

I agree. Just do the 500 in one shot. Yes, it won't give you as stable of blood levels and could potentially cause a spike in estrogen if you don't take your A.I. Other than that, you might even get some euphoria from the little extra bit you take in the one injection.
Either skip it or pin 500 mg before you leave.

If you double up on dose, expect a concomitant estro spike that comes with doubling the dose. Adjust your AI accordingly and/or have nolva on hand to deal with it.

Simplest route is skip the pin. Highly doubtful you'd see a negative effect on aggregate gains over the entire cycle.

Good luck.
Either skip it or pin 500 mg before you leave.

If you double up on dose, expect a concomitant estro spike that comes with doubling the dose. Adjust your AI accordingly and/or have nolva on hand to deal with it.

Simplest route is skip the pin. Highly doubtful you'd see a negative effect on aggregate gains over the entire cycle.

Good luck.

I think I'm just a little bitch and a bit stubborn in my ways. So if skipping that 1 pin and just continuing on isn't going to see negative effects thru remainder of cycle, I may just do that... 250mg that week only, pick up back to 500 following week.

But it seems taking the 500 in one go is the other viable alternative, so I'll make game time decision. Thanks all for feedback.
Hi all, I did do some forum searches on this but I still felt the advice was quite differing and wanted a more direct response.

I'd be on a 12 week cycle of your basic Test-E only. 500mgs a week @ 250mg 2x a week.

My question is- several weeks in, I've got a trip I need to make and I'll be flying so obviously I can't bring anything with me. For that week, I'll probably get my 1st shot in of the 250. Then I'll be gone for 4-5 days so I'll miss the 2nd 250 for that week.

What do you guys suggest I do? I'm thinking just forget it, that one week I'll only have 250 instead of 500. Just pick up again the next week like I never even missed. Thoughts? Other suggestion? Thank you.

I'm just trying to keep it simple, nothing fancy. It just seems skipping that 1 pin basically and just starting the next week on my normal days is a simple way of doing this.
Missing one long ether shot in a week will not fuck you up on your cycle. Like others said double up or just take it right before you leave no big deal.
Also anything under 3oz can be carried through TSA checkpoints via a qt bag. And your pins can also be in your carry on bag. I put mouthwash, toothpaste, deodorant, toothbrush, Chapstick and aas in a qt bag and fly 8-12 times a year. Domestic and international with no problems.
Thank you all for feedback.

If I'm doing tuesday/saturday, I will pin the tuesday as per normal. Saturday is the one I'll miss. And I'm just going to continue on course as normal the next tuesday.
And your pins can also be in your carry on bag. I put mouthwash, toothpaste, deodorant, toothbrush, Chapstick and aas in a qt bag and fly 8-12 times a year. Domestic and international with no problems.
Lucky you. The last time I was traveling I had my toiletries in my carry on and they threw away my toothpaste and body wash. Even though I was only in transit in Frankfurt o_O
Lucky you. The last time I was traveling I had my toiletries in my carry on and they threw away my toothpaste and body wash. Even though I was only in transit in Frankfurt o_O
I have had some thrown away before but only if they are over the 3oz max or not in a Ziploc qt bag. Fucking sucks no toothpaste traveling ..... Dam airport breathe!!