the only thing that ive noticed with the tren is the tops seem kinda cheap and you have to watch out to make sure you dont have any ruber footies the test is good but ive had to throw a way 1/10th of a bottle so far. gear is good though
Why'd you have to throw some out?
True a 16 year old kid lol :D GL on the run i hope this gear works out for you man.
Thanks buddy. I'm doing pcom oils and and Mission orals mostly for making sure I can please the wife on PCT.
I know what my test should be after a PCT too so we'll definitely see if mission clomid and nolva are legit. I'm definitely going domestic from now on though. cash in mail keeps the paper trail pretty clean and seriously, who wants to sit around waiting weeks and weeks while european customs goes through your shit.

After I'm done with my current cycle I plan on doing a full cycle using Mission only and then another one using Pareto only (using identical compounds and dosages) and seeing which one is best. I think that'll be an interesting experiment and somewhat useful.
the only thing that ive noticed with the tren is the tops seem kinda cheap and you have to watch out to make sure you dont have any ruber footies the test is good but ive had to throw a way 1/10th of a bottle so far. gear is good though

Are you using a very thick needle to draw? (E.g 18-20 gauge). The thicker gauge needles really take a toll on the rubber stopper, especially if used very frequently.

To everyone else - thank you for the feedback and pictures :).
Are you using a very thick needle to draw? (E.g 18-20 gauge). The thicker gauge needles really take a toll on the rubber stopper, especially if used very frequently.

To everyone else - thank you for the feedback and pictures :).
no 27 gauge draw and injection its just on the tren it seems
okay anadrol, tren, and test 500 seem pretty legit. the test and anadrol I have seem to be stronger then the last source i had and for the test i had horible pip with my last source it did the job and was the top rated source on a page i was using. but with missions stuff seems like i can use a couple hundred mg less with the same results and same goes with the anadrol im on my ass tired and my meals are hard to stuff down sometimes but im only at 50 mg vs 100 and the stangth is coming fast too.
Hey all. The following changes have been made:

Primobolan Acetate tablets have been changed from 10mg to 20mg
Metribolone (Aka Oral Tren) tablets have been changed from 250mcg to 500mg

Has anyone else used the Mission Labs gear lately? Is this stuff underdosed?

I currently running...

600Mg test Prop
300mg Tren Ace
50mg Proviron ED
50 mg Winny ED
150mg Clen 2on/2off
Arimidex E3D

About 3 weeks in. Diet is in check. Im an experienced user and lifter yet None of my lifts are going up and my body seems to be staying the same. I'm concerned. Anyone with some feedback would be of great help.

Once I notice the Tren kick in I was gonna back off the Test prop some.
I am currently running their test e and tren e...only 2 weeks in though so cant say anything about quality as of yet....definitely an increase in libido
I took some pics yesterday and I'll take pics in a few weeks to compare. Maybe I'm just not noticing it. I'm a fairly even keel guy these days and never really go crazy on any gear.

Mission, I'm not making a statement, just seeing what others experience is. Before purchase I saw good reviews. If everyone else is happy, I'll assume it's me and how my body reacts. I never really "feel" gear at all, so it's not that. I go by the mirror. The Clen, Proviron and Adex are doing their job. I'm mostly concerned about the Tren A in the Profina. I never get pip from any gear and I'm not getting any from yours, so that's good. Tutanota decided to mess up my email account. That's why I'm posting here btw. As I say, I'm not making a statement or accusation.
I've tried a lot of their products.

Nothing is scientific obviously but I've noticed the tren ace feels better doses than the profina. Didn't get the desired results from masterone even at high doses but the winstrol was better than expected. Accutane works really really well but had to dose high. 60-80mg a day. I have the proviron a couple of tries, about 100 pills but I never noticed much. Arimidex works really well. Dbol and cialis both great results.
If you can't feel anything and lifts haven't gonna up by now @Crazy-Canuck. Not a good sign imo....I'm surprised guys are still rolling the dice here. Question..do the Canadian members here read the "Canadians talk domestic" thread? If the answer is no well I hate to say it there's not one guy in there running Missions. Do the MATH it's not rocket science.