Mixing peptides and GH


Well-known Member
Hey boy! Had a question, which I think I know the answer to, but there are more guys with far more knowledge around here, that may have a different thought.

I suffered injuries to both shoulders, one a pretty severe dislocation, which it took 3 people hanging on me, for 10ish minutes, and me in pretty serious pain to get set without having to do emergency surgery. Likely tears in both, waiting for my ortho to order a contrast CT, as I can’t get MRIs.

I’m going to run some peptides along with HGH to hopefully aid in repair, and ultimately hope to prevent me from having to get cut on again, with at least one side.

My main question is, can I mix HGH, BPC157, and TB500 in a single syringe, for injections.

If anyone has thoughts on my protocol, which will be:

GH 3iu 2x Daily
BPC 500mcg 2x Daily
TB 3mg 3x weekly

I’d be all ears, if someone had an educated different thought. I’ve run a fair amount of GH, and have run 6iu daily in the past, I’ll ramp up, over a few weeks to that.

If anyone has any stem cell therapy knowledge, I’d be all ears on that, too. I have access to them where I live, but I’d likely go down to TJ and get them. I’ve had shoulder surgeries in the past, and the recovery fucking blows!! I’m trying to avoid the knife, as much as I can.
My main question is, can I mix HGH, BPC157, and TB500 in a single syringe, for injections.
yes, you absolutely can from what I've been told here, and read.

can't help with your other questions though, sorry.
someone helpful will chime in though.
I have mixed HGH, BPC157 and TB500 with no issues. I believe you will be just fine.
Hey boy! Had a question, which I think I know the answer to, but there are more guys with far more knowledge around here, that may have a different thought.

I suffered injuries to both shoulders, one a pretty severe dislocation, which it took 3 people hanging on me, for 10ish minutes, and me in pretty serious pain to get set without having to do emergency surgery. Likely tears in both, waiting for my ortho to order a contrast CT, as I can’t get MRIs.

I’m going to run some peptides along with HGH to hopefully aid in repair, and ultimately hope to prevent me from having to get cut on again, with at least one side.

My main question is, can I mix HGH, BPC157, and TB500 in a single syringe, for injections.

If anyone has thoughts on my protocol, which will be:

GH 3iu 2x Daily
BPC 500mcg 2x Daily
TB 3mg 3x weekly

I’d be all ears, if someone had an educated different thought. I’ve run a fair amount of GH, and have run 6iu daily in the past, I’ll ramp up, over a few weeks to that.

If anyone has any stem cell therapy knowledge, I’d be all ears on that, too. I have access to them where I live, but I’d likely go down to TJ and get them. I’ve had shoulder surgeries in the past, and the recovery fucking blows!! I’m trying to avoid the knife, as much as I can.
Thanks for the info, fellas! I couldn’t see where there would be an issue, but I always appreciate an extra set of eyes.
Your gonna love bpc and TB as long as it’s good quality. I’ve had a shoulder injury for the last 2 years making it completely impossible to do any shoulder work or anything above my head. I’ve been on bpc and TB for 7 weeks and it’s almost totally healed. I did my first complete shoulder workout in 2 years yesterday. Again tho make sure it’s good quality bc I used a diff brand for a week and could tell a huge difference. Don’t think I can drop the source I use but it’s a pretty big peptide supplier.
Your gonna love bpc and TB as long as it’s good quality. I’ve had a shoulder injury for the last 2 years making it completely impossible to do any shoulder work or anything above my head. I’ve been on bpc and TB for 7 weeks and it’s almost totally healed. I did my first complete shoulder workout in 2 years yesterday. Again tho make sure it’s good quality bc I used a diff brand for a week and could tell a huge difference. Don’t think I can drop the source I use but it’s a pretty big peptide supplier.
That good to hear bro. I’ve got my fingers crossed. Definitely not looking to get 2 shoulder surgeries at the same time, not to mention, I can pretty much only leg press.

I ordered from a popular source in the UG, potentially the same as you, that has quite a bit of testing, so I think I got good stuff. I’m on the GH and BPC now, which came domestic, and waiting on the TB, which I’ll jump on as soon as I get it.

If I’m feeling normal in 7 weeks, I’ll be doing the truffle shuffle for sure!! Appreciate the advice!!
Yea I thought for sure my shoulder was either just done or only other option surgery and I wasn’t doin that! I’d say my shoulders about 92% coming from basically 0%. Legit source is definitely the biggest factor. Mines one u need when it rains if u catch that one and I don’t get in trouble.
Also, not sure how u gonna dose it bc there’s ALOT of diff ways. I made sure I got 5 mg a week of the tb but I did it daily in 500mcg twice a day. Just seemed to work better for me. I also stopped the tb after 6 weeks and felt no diff not having it If that makes sense. I’m still on the bpc but at a dose of 250mcg 2 times a day. The first 6 weeks I did 500mcg twice a day for 1mg total daily.
What kind of growth did u get? What color tops? I’m about to be starting gh as well and looking so forward to it. How long have u been on gh? Seein any results? Sorry so many questions and GET READY TO BE EATING SOME ROCKY ROAD CHUNK BC THIS SHIT WORKS!!!
Yea I thought for sure my shoulder was either just done or only other option surgery and I wasn’t doin that! I’d say my shoulders about 92% coming from basically 0%. Legit source is definitely the biggest factor. Mines one u need when it rains if u catch that one and I don’t get in trouble.
Also, not sure how u gonna dose it bc there’s ALOT of diff ways. I made sure I got 5 mg a week of the tb but I did it daily in 500mcg twice a day. Just seemed to work better for me. I also stopped the tb after 6 weeks and felt no diff not having it If that makes sense. I’m still on the bpc but at a dose of 250mcg 2 times a day. The first 6 weeks I did 500mcg twice a day for 1mg total daily.
What kind of growth did u get? What color tops? I’m about to be starting gh as well and looking so forward to it. How long have u been on gh? Seein any results? Sorry so many questions and GET READY TO BE EATING SOME ROCKY ROAD CHUNK BC THIS SHIT WORKS!!!
I’ll be running the same protocol, for the most part. I’ve been running 500 Bpc 2x per day, 3iu GH 2x per day, and I planned on running TB at 2.5mg 2x per week, but maybe I’ll run it more like you did, if you think that worked better. I can just draw it with the other 2, and inject.

I’ve run growth on and off for like 8 years probably, and I’ve tried it from just about every popular source on here. The tops I’m currently running are blue, and from the same source as my peptides, just because it was easier to order together. I always like it when I’m running it, although I usually only run like 4iu a day, 5 or 6 days a week. I’m going to run it as 6iu, daily for a few months with the peptides, in hope of healing these 2 lame ass shoulders. I’ve never seen insane results from it, but I usually feel good, lean out some, and sleep good on it, so it’s worth it. I usually take like 6 months off after running for like a year, just so I’m not always running it. I did get CTS and some weird welts running one of the 2 sources that were popular like 6 or 7 years ago, and never ran his again. As much as the real popular sources are testing, and getting tested by customers, anymore, I don’t worry nearly as much about getting bunk shit, as I used to, although we always know that can change, at any time. I try to stay on top of the sources I use threads. I figure they’ll get caught, if they start slipping anywhere.
To me injecting tb twice daily worked better and just made more sense to have it constantly in ur body instead of big doses twice per week. And to me running just the bpc has had the same effects as both and defi way cheaper.
Thx for the info on u and gh. Do u run gear with the growth and if so what we’re ur experiences? Meaning did it really enhance the gear a lot or was it just barely noticeable?
Yea I agree about it being tougher for sources to fake with all the testing out there these days but def know it still happens. I would imagine running gh with bpc and tb is gonna heal u up very quickly!!!
unfortunately for me, one of these 2 compounds gave me blurry vision that subsided 2-3days after stopping.
sucks because my shoulder really needed this to work.
To me injecting tb twice daily worked better and just made more sense to have it constantly in ur body instead of big doses twice per week. And to me running just the bpc has had the same effects as both and defi way cheaper.
Thx for the info on u and gh. Do u run gear with the growth and if so what we’re ur experiences? Meaning did it really enhance the gear a lot or was it just barely noticeable?
Yea I agree about it being tougher for sources to fake with all the testing out there these days but def know it still happens. I would imagine running gh with bpc and tb is gonna heal u up very quickly!!!
For sure. I’m injecting anyways, no reason to not just add the TB with every shot.

5-8 years ago, I would run all kinds of stuff together, and I got big, and strong, but it pretty much just beat me up too bad. I was like 270, and depending on the timeframe, doing either CrossFit, or powerlifting. Both beat the fuck out of my joints. My last shoulder surgery was 2016, my back and knees were also beat. I don’t run tren or adrol, or any of that shit anymore. I stay on a trt dosage of test at 180-ish mg a week, with maybe bumping that to 300 for 8 weeks, once a year, and I ran 200 mast with with that, as my last “blast”. I hadn’t run anything except test and growth since early 2019. I got sick of having sleep apnea, and busted joints, I’m never going to be a top level power lifter or crossfitter, so what’s the point of crippling myself doing it. Almost every injury I’ve had, has been shortly into a cycle, when strength is going up faster than my joints can handle. Short of it is, I feel like growth has more to do with the way that I feel, than aesthetics, so I run it off and on, probably 7-8 months a year, on average.

Hope you’re right on the healing me quick, i’m 2 weeks in, on gh and bpc, still waiting on the tb. I’m slightly better, but I can’t lift my left arm, any higher than my shoulder, and there is zero strength as far as external rotation. Any pulling movements are pretty normal. Definitely seems like a rotator tear, at minimum.
Oh shit that’s kinda scary. Never heard of that side effect before. That must have been a mind fuck as well. Glad u better. Have u run gear on gh before?
unfortunately for me, one of these 2 compounds gave me blurry vision that subsided 2-3days after stopping.
sucks because my shoulder really needed this to work.
For sure. I’m injecting anyways, no reason to not just add the TB with every shot.

5-8 years ago, I would run all kinds of stuff together, and I got big, and strong, but it pretty much just beat me up too bad. I was like 270, and depending on the timeframe, doing either CrossFit, or powerlifting. Both beat the fuck out of my joints. My last shoulder surgery was 2016, my back and knees were also beat. I don’t run tren or adrol, or any of that shit anymore. I stay on a trt dosage of test at 180-ish mg a week, with maybe bumping that to 300 for 8 weeks, once a year, and I ran 200 mast with with that, as my last “blast”. I hadn’t run anything except test and growth since early 2019. I got sick of having sleep apnea, and busted joints, I’m never going to be a top level power lifter or crossfitter, so what’s the point of crippling myself doing it. Almost every injury I’ve had, has been shortly into a cycle, when strength is going up faster than my joints can handle. Short of it is, I feel like growth has more to do with the way that I feel, than aesthetics, so I run it off and on, probably 7-8 months a year, on average.

Hope you’re right on the healing me quick, i’m 2 weeks in, on gh and bpc, still waiting on the tb. I’m slightly better, but I can’t lift my left arm, any higher than my shoulder, and there is zero strength as far as external rotation. Any pulling movements are pretty normal. Definitely seems like a rotator tear, at minimum.
I hear ya. My sleep apnea mask actually just arrived yesterday and last night was rough trying to get used to it. I’ve run all kinds of gear and always get hurt on it early on as well. I’ve yet to run growth with gear but I’m pulling the trigger next month finally. I’m hoping it gives me that “feeling” your talkin bout bc that’s what I want. I’m 40 in July and never gonna step on stage or win any contests I just wanna look and feel really good. I started to notice a difference round or shortly after week 3 but I was using tb too. Like I said I can’t tell a difference now being Off the tb but it could have done something the 6 weeks I was on it.
Oh shit that’s kinda scary. Never heard of that side effect before. That must have been a mind fuck as well. Glad u better. Have u run gear on gh before?
I’d try a diff source as well. I’ve read 1000s of posts of people on it and know many as well and not once have I ever heard of that side effect.
I hear ya. My sleep apnea mask actually just arrived yesterday and last night was rough trying to get used to it. I’ve run all kinds of gear and always get hurt on it early on as well. I’ve yet to run growth with gear but I’m pulling the trigger next month finally. I’m hoping it gives me that “feeling” your talkin bout bc that’s what I want. I’m 40 in July and never gonna step on stage or win any contests I just wanna look and feel really good. I started to notice a difference round or shortly after week 3 but I was using tb too. Like I said I can’t tell a difference now being Off the tb but it could have done something the 6 weeks I was on it.
You’re a way better man than me, if you can sleep with that thing on. I’ve been blasted in the nose a few too many times, so I had to wear the full pilot mask, and I’d wake up with that thing wrapped around my neck and shit. The Adrenalin dump I’d get from waking up in a fit of rage because of it, would keep me up the rest of the night. I wasted a ton of money getting that thing, then wore it for maybe a month, and had maybe 3 good nights sleep in it.

I’m a couple years older than you, and it could be 100% placebo, but I sleep good on it, my recovery is good, it helps lean me out some, and it helps me overall feel a little better, almost like it wiped maybe 10 years off kinda thing. Not sure how much is growth, but I attribute it to that, and I can run that stuff cheap enough these days, that it’s worth it to me. It definitely needs to be run long term, to have any benefit, and it isn’t something that even hits me, I just notice after time like “wow, I’m not as sore as I should be, anymore” or “I’ve been sleeping really good the last month”. If it’s what helps my sleep alone, it’s worth it to me. That could be the reason the recovery and feeling good are even happening.
I’ve been running 6iu, 3iu each morning and night, if GH per day. And 500mcg of BPC on the same schedule. I’m going to start lifting after 3 months off, next week, so I’ll be able to see where I am with strength and pain levels.