Mixing/storing HCG


New Member
So as some of you may know I was told to mix my HCG with the sodium chloride it comes with, draw up into insulin syrings and put in the freezer. I now know this isn't recommended after doing this.

So now I'm looking at making my next lot up so just want to confirm what is the best option for me to mix&store my HCG.

My HCG doesn't come with bac water it comes with sodium chloride and I'm looking at pinning 1000iu 2x week.

This time round I mixed 1ML sodium chloride with 5000iu HCG powder and have been injecting 0.2ml 2x per week.

What would you guys recommend when it comes to mixing and storing it as one mix lasts me 5 Injections, would it be worth leaving the vial with the mixed hcg in the fridge then draw and pin straight away or preload into insulin syringes and the put in thr fridge? I've heard leaving sodium chloride in the fridge makes it go bad? Just want to make sure everything's correct this time before I mix it up.
0.9% NaCl solution is referred to as normal saline. It's isotonic (can be used safely for IV administration) and sterile.

Refrigerate hCG dissolved in normal saline.

Why it would "go bad" is beyond me; considering salt (NaCl is table salt) is a preservative and was used as such before refrigeration was invented.
I toss the shitty salt water amp and buy bac water separately form research chem places. I mix 5000iu HCG with 2ml of bac water, preload my syringes and put them in the fridge for later use.
I absolutely hate breaking glass amps.
Pregnyl is guaranteed stable for 60 days with the mixing vial. It says on the package. I'm sure it's stable for even longer. I wouldn't worry... the solvents are the same IIRC.
0.9% NaCl solution is referred to as normal saline. It's isotonic (can be used safely for IV administration) and sterile.

Refrigerate hCG dissolved in normal saline.

Why it would "go bad" is beyond me; considering salt (NaCl is table salt) is a preservative and was used as such before refrigeration was invented.
So you’re saying it should be fine to store HCG for over a month without benzyl alcohol?
So you’re saying it should be fine to store HCG for over a month without benzyl alcohol?
I don't see where I said that. Do you see where I said that?

Reconstituted hCG's storage differs by formulation. For example, Novarel and Ovadrel have to be used within 30 days after reconstitution whereas Pregnyl is stable for 60 days.
I don't see where I said that. Do you see where I said that?

Reconstituted hCG's storage differs by formulation. For example, Novarel and Ovadrel have to be used within 30 days after reconstitution whereas Pregnyl is stable for 60 days.
Okay. So you’re saying that it should be fine to store reconstituted HCG for 30-60 days, depending on the manufacturer, without benzyl alcohol?
If everything is totally sterile and you injections, drawing etc are too then you will probably be fine. But I have mixed my HCG with BA water for decades. No reason for me to take a risk and use something else. We all have our own comfort zones.
Okay. So you’re saying that it should be fine to store reconstituted HCG for 30-60 days, depending on the manufacturer, without benzyl alcohol?
Generally I recommend that if using "generic" lyophilized peptides of any type (e.g., rhGH, incretins like tirzepatide, gonadotropins like hCG) that you only reconstitute a week's worth at a time. If using a pharmaceutical preparation, then follow the instructions on the pamphlet. BA, normal saline, whatever.