i started taking hgh couple months after i tried mk. i was excited thinking that it would be so much stronger and on paper it is
i've tried it all, 3IU, 4IU, 7-8IU and it wasn't even close in terms of looks. i looked so much better it's not even comparable and i was actually heavier too. the only thing hgh did better was that i felt less sore the day after working out
veins were popping, muscles looked so much fuller, blood pressure was higher in a good way which made me look super nice when posing. why is this happening? could it be because i was eating more on mk? yes i was eating more, but not by that much
i've tried it all, 3IU, 4IU, 7-8IU and it wasn't even close in terms of looks. i looked so much better it's not even comparable and i was actually heavier too. the only thing hgh did better was that i felt less sore the day after working out
veins were popping, muscles looked so much fuller, blood pressure was higher in a good way which made me look super nice when posing. why is this happening? could it be because i was eating more on mk? yes i was eating more, but not by that much