Is Letro Just Stronger Adex?

If I was wrong, my e2 would not be consistently in range each time I get bloodwork.

I’ll be getting bloodwork this week, let’s see who was right and wrong all along.
I wouldn’t take it so personally, they are just trying to help you not make mistakes they see other people make. A lot of people have been confident in the past about their e2 levels based on feel and have been wrong.
I wouldn’t take it so personally, they are just trying to help you not make mistakes they see other people make. A lot of people have been confident in the past about their e2 levels based on feel and have been wrong.
If I’m wrong, I will admit I’m wrong. I have agreed that I thought my current dosage has made absolute no sense, last bloodwork said I had high e2, so I went more aggressive with the AI and it improved my wellbeing.

it takes over a week to get sensitive e2 results from a blood test, and you cant get bloodwork every week without burning a hole in your wallet and tome; so people are just shit out of luck and dont modify their dosage until they get results back?

i think there’s a better way we can go about things than that, how on earth do we make decisions about diet, training, and hormones if we cant listen to what our body is telling us? Are people seriously not capable of doing this?