More semen volume and hornier while taking nolvadex

Third separate time I’ve noticed when I start to add nolvadex in to control nips I start busting loads again like I was 18 and I am a lot more horny. Notice it within 5 days of starting my nolvadex protocol. Nothing else has changed with my doses or compounds besides adding the nolvadex, so I am certain it is from that.

Anyone have similar experience
Third separate time I’ve noticed when I start to add nolvadex in to control nips I start busting loads again like I was 18 and I am a lot more horny. Notice it within 5 days of starting my nolvadex protocol. Nothing else has changed with my doses or compounds besides adding the nolvadex, so I am certain it is from that.

Anyone have similar experience
This happens to me with just using gear. Wife has learned not to let me go without for too long haha.
Third separate time I’ve noticed when I start to add nolvadex in to control nips I start busting loads again like I was 18 and I am a lot more horny. Notice it within 5 days of starting my nolvadex protocol. Nothing else has changed with my doses or compounds besides adding the nolvadex, so I am certain it is from that.

Anyone have similar experience
I get impaired cognition from tamoxifen. But yes, did notice improved ejaculation volume, libido, and erection quality.
My loads got tiny once I started gear. Only thing that made them bigger (not as big as they were when natty) was hcg, didn’t notice that from nolva. Only thing that’s really made me noticeably hornier was masteron