There is always room for improvement somewhere. Set some new goals and focus on making progress towards your next run.
I have the same problem when I come off cycle. I walk in the gym with no drive to lift and intensity is way down.

I just try to make the best of it and grind it out till next run.
I make an workout routine, print it out and bring it to the gym with me. I just try to make sure that I do EVERYTHING that is on my print out. It gives me a goal to reach and it keeps me moving while I'm at the gym.

Hardest part for me is waking my ass up @ 4:00am and getting to the gym! Once I'm there its all down hill from that point.
Focus on the main goal, realize that post cycle is probably even more important. Your goal should be to maintain as much as possible and come up with new goals to attack come next cycle. I feel cycles are the best time to fix lagging body parts, post cyce is the best time to figure all that out.

I see people in the gym that fall into that slump post cycle they literally get bigger then shrink down all the way to before they cycled then go back to where they were on the last cycle never passing it.

I rather regress a little busting my ass and go up more come next cycle.
This is easy for me because I dont train for any real size anymore.
When I am on of course I train like a madman. When off I go back to more bag work and cardio type conditioning.

Mixing in a new training style keeps me focused and wanting to progress. My progression changes from iron to bag work and flexibility etc.. but my drive for a better me never ends.
Im almost 2 weeks off my cycle taking only my nolvadex and i got to say i still put in a 110% at the gym but recovery Sucks big time. I have started a new split of training for 3 days on and 1 day off to aid in recovery and it works ok for me defiantly fell a lot more energized after taking a day off but i still feel so damn sore the next day compare to when i was on cycle and lifted Mon-Sun for 2 months straight with only a few days off in between. Cant wait till late may to get back on!!!!!!!!!!

Pre-Workout or a large jug of coffee is a must!

Focus on the pump and reps instead of the weight not saying to lift light either