
I’ve used the search function, Google, and looked at the peptide profile for MT2 regarding dosing. Google says it’s weight dependent and I’ve seen dosing anywhere from 300mcg to 1-2mg. Never used it before and want to mitigate the sides the best I can. What would be a good starting dose? I get a good tan usually in the summer and stay a decent amount of tan year around just due to working outside. My vials are 10mg so I’m curious as to how I’ll mix it to mcg dosing if needed. TIA

I think this is a good article for mt2 personally. As far as starting doses I think start low as possible. You can always go up. If you start high and have problems it will be harder than if you start low and work up.

I think this is a good article for mt2 personally. As far as starting doses I think start low as possible. You can always go up. If you start high and have problems it will be harder than if you start low and work up.
Do you think mixing 3ml of bac and 100mcg being 3 units would work? I’ve done glp -1’s and gh and never had a dosage with that few of units.
I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work but personally I think trying to see 3 units would be a pain for me. Could you transfer 1/2 to a sterile vial? 10mg seems like a ton of mt2 I think that would last someone a very long time. I’d even adventure to say you could dilute it and take 1/2 out then be left with 5mg roughly of mt2.
I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work but personally I think trying to see 3 units would be a pain for me. Could you transfer 1/2 to a sterile vial? 10mg seems like a ton of mt2 I think that would last someone a very long time. I’d even adventure to say you could dilute it and take 1/2 out then be left with 5mg roughly of mt2.
I didn’t think about transferring it to a sterile vial. It’s crazy because that article states that he mixes 2ml of bac which would make it even less units lol. I figured with it coming in 10mg vials that the dosing would be higher, but I should’ve done my research first.
i was running a gram a day in the summer, got pretty dark. look like a mexican or middle easterner lol. not quite sure how accurately dosed it was though. it did sometimes flush my face and make me nauseous but that went away after the first 4 days. also, to avoid these sides i recommend taking it right before bed as you get a chance at sleeping before it can set in
I didn’t think about transferring it to a sterile vial. It’s crazy because that article states that he mixes 2ml of bac which would make it even less units lol. I figured with it coming in 10mg vials that the dosing would be higher, but I should’ve done my research first.
I’d say transfer to a sterile vial if you want to go the route of 100mcg starting. I agree 2ml for 10mg is tough and my eyes would have a hard time dosing single digit units. I do think people use more than what others would use. Like anything in this world.
i was running a gram a day in the summer, got pretty dark. look like a mexican or middle easterner lol. not quite sure how accurately dosed it was though. it did sometimes flush my face and make me nauseous but that went away after the first 4 days. also, to avoid these sides i recommend taking it right before bed as you get a chance at sleeping before it can set in
1g? Or 1mg? Did you work up to dose slowly?
I’ve used the search function, Google, and looked at the peptide profile for MT2 regarding dosing. Google says it’s weight dependent and I’ve seen dosing anywhere from 300mcg to 1-2mg. Never used it before and want to mitigate the sides the best I can. What would be a good starting dose? I get a good tan usually in the summer and stay a decent amount of tan year around just due to working outside. My vials are 10mg so I’m curious as to how I’ll mix it to mcg dosing if needed. TIA
Start low and work up the nausea was fucking outrageous for me.
300 mcg 2x week and 10 min in tanning bed 1x week and i have a nice look , i still get a slight nausea if taken on empty stomach , but it passes in 5 minutes tops and sometimes i am fine,,,
300 mcg 2x week and 10 min in tanning bed 1x week and i have a nice look , i still get a slight nausea if taken on empty stomach , but it passes in 5 minutes tops and sometimes i am fine,,,
I like the idea of pinning it 2x a week. I can mix 3ml of bac and get it to 9 units per pin too assuming it’s actually 10mg per vial
Absolutely the best syringes for low dose peptides. These were designed with the Mayo clinic who studied the ideal SubQ injection.

The half-unit markings make extreme precision easy. 3 units is no problem with this syringe.

Zero dead space so no waste.

Shortest needle on the market, 6mm.

The only downside is it's limited to 30 units (.3 ml).

people seem to have this selective perception when it comes to mt2. Most seem willing to filter out all the information against the use this drug to justify getting a tan. There have been limited clinical trials, and the drug is largely untested.

The rationalization "I use it for the cognitive benefits" doesn't hold merit and studies on this are anecdotal at best. Imo this drugs only use is tanning and attatching another use to is is reaching at best.
@Ghoul if you are unbanned can you make your argument against the points above. Not finding the studies you mentioned on this.

I'm certainly not suggesting it's risk free. Given it's widespread, and relatively long period of use I'm not seeing any evidence it's highly dangerous either though. I've only seen a couple of cases of documented harms, and those were connected with really heavy use.

It's close relative PT-141 passed muster with the FDA which again, while no guarantee of MT-II safety, is another point in its favor.

The problem with MT-II, unlike PT-141, is that the patent expired prior to an attempt to commercialize it. If you read the history this didn't happen because it was abandoned like GW-50516, but because of convoluted business dealings and protracted court cases that went on for years fighting over who owned what. Without this patent protection, there's no financial incentive to fund full on clinical trials.

Most of the effects related to the brain involve the MC4 receptor, which MT-II activates. This declines with age. Studies in animals show neuroprotection and neurogensis, as well as enhanced intelligence with melanocortin agnonists.

It's said to lower appetite via MC4 activation, and I've definitely experienced all of the effects in the animal study below, which are pleasurable, and immediately reminded me of what I felt in my teens and very early twenties. In my experience the "muscle stiffness" isn't cramping, but more of a "light on your feet" kind of feeling. The ability to activate muscle with less effort. I don't know if it's related, but walking pace is often used to gauge biological aging in males, and that last effect increases my walking pace, as reported by my fitness tracker:

Activation of MC4R pathway has also been associated with several non-feeding related activities, including increased yawning, muscular stiffness, stretching, and penile erections
