Muscle Depot?

Sorry I have been MIA for a while. Yes I did melting point tests and everything passed. The brew process took a bit of a wait because one of my filters was shit and had to be replaced. The capping went well and my buddies have already started and are loving the d-bol. I will start everything monday and keep a good log. Also I will post Labmax results here and the cycle log when I get the kit in.
I just hit my 1st shot with his test-E which i brewed.
i dont why as i measured the ml very accurately my mix turned out more than i anticipated. any thoughts on that?
well ill late you know how it goes. i just replaced this with Peps test-e so i wont be making a long. soon though im gonna try Npp and maybe Eq or masteron.
I used the online powder conversion calculator from Basskiller's site. If I remember right, Test E has a multiplier of .93 wich is high. That means it displaces more volume in liquid. What we used to use back in the day was the standard .85 for everything. They are small mathmatical changes that will effect the outcome of the total volume slightly. No biggie really. Your test 300 (if thats what you made) would turn out to be like test 294 or so. It shouldn't be a big deal unless you were trying to make 100 mL and ended up with 120 mL or something.
i wanted to brew like 260-270 so i can be with error close to 250.
that means i got it huh??? i tried for 40ml went like 42-4. but spilled due to those damn syringe filters so i ended up with 30-35ml. which is good i guess
Fantastic thread, been looking for a g2g Test powder source. Please continue to update to let us know if all products you received were what you expected
i wanted to brew like 260-270 so i can be with error close to 250.
that means i got it huh??? i tried for 40ml went like 42-4. but spilled due to those damn syringe filters so i ended up with 30-35ml. which is good i guess

Yeah, those Whatman's suck to use! Next time you go to brew, really look into Basskiller's site. I was shown how and used to help out with a buddies UGL many years ago so I remembered alot. I just needed a refresher from good ole Basskiller.:D
Posted in my cycle thread but I will repost an abreviated version here. Test P, Tren, Mast, D-bol. all passed Labmax testing. My var test is inconlusive because I used my capping gear with d-bol residue in it and even scraped all the dbol residue into my var mixture :( It tested positive for d-bol wich hides your var color. I should know in a week or two if it is indeed anavar just by my results. I react strongly to dbol and if it is d-bol, I will start holding h2o and need my a-dex quickly. That shit gives me titties![:o)]
Posted in my cycle thread but I will repost an abreviated version here. Test P, Tren, Mast, D-bol. all passed Labmax testing. ....![:o)]

im quite happy to hear that as i am very interested in that tren.. i want to cut that fat and get bigger:):)
How much should i wait to have blood tests with enanthate test.
i had my doctor prescribe it and now i have it on holdup cause i switched from
Peps to raw of Muscle Depot.
Should be nice to see how accurate MD is!
How much should i wait to have blood tests with enanthate test.
i had my doctor prescribe it and now i have it on holdup cause i switched from
Peps to raw of Muscle Depot.
Should be nice to see how accurate MD is!

I usually get my blood work done around the 5th or 6th week of the cycle when using long esters like test e.
I haven't brewed the raws i got from MD yet, (Test e and tren a). I've been lazy but if you're results are good, TNS, that will hopefully motivate me to break out the pyrex. Please let us know when you get the blood results. Fingers crossed!
I haven't brewed the raws i got from MD yet, (Test e and tren a). I've been lazy but if you're results are good, TNS, that will hopefully motivate me to break out the pyrex. Please let us know when you get the blood results. Fingers crossed!

i couldnt wait myself so placed a new order Tren ace, Npp, test-pp.
Ha. Nice, I was about to do the same thing. I was thinking about either Test PP or Test acetate. Anything besides prop, kills me everytime.
I've never used his raws but I used and currently run the EC line and it has done me well for several months. He seems to be a good guy in my own experiences.