MuscleJuice - US domestic source

What's the turnaround time ? Haven't seen much activity here
Currently we're sending out orders twice a week. We're aiming at sending within 24 hours though. Sorry for the long waiting time on the replies here, you can always contact us via email, and we'll reply asap
Damn 3 weeks for domestic is still pretty rough. He did answer my emails quickly though so that’s a good sign. Keep us posted, I’m waiting on you before I pull the trigger lol
Damn 3 weeks for domestic is still pretty rough. He did answer my emails quickly though so that’s a good sign. Keep us posted, I’m waiting on you before I pull the trigger lol
This particular time the issue arised with USPS it seems, for some reason they're taking their time delivering the package. In reality should've been around 10 days, judging by other recent orders. Either way we're soon gonna send packages daily like before, right now we're just sending twice a week
Due to hard conditions on the raws market, MuscleJuice unfortunately has to raise the prices. A full price increase will commence on 17th of March.

We understand that this will not be taken lightly by our customers, but the situation with raws has affected most of the suppliers, even though we have tried to avert this increase as much as possible.

But our suppliers were trying to keep the prices as low as possible for us. But there had to be a breaking point eventually, and it has come. It pains us to announce this, and we will still try to keep the changes to an absolute acceptable minimum.

You can still order with old prices until the price hike commences.

The price hike will not affect ZPHC products though, as we are not restocking on them.