My cycle log - planning and performing with your knowledge


New Member
First Who am I?:
I'm Mike, 34 years old and I've been doing various sports for years and had a well-formed body until corona. But I've always been rather skinny and look very young. Due to corona and less sport, I put on a few kilos/pound in the wrong places. Also my sex drive is down. Now I've been doing sports again for almost 1 year, mainly in the gym but it's super hard to get back into shape.
Now I plan to do my first cycle and I'm here because I need the knowlege of you guys. I'm new to all this and some of you have a very good experience and knowlege which I don't have. I want to start a cycle beginning or mid of April after my vacation. Until then I try to reduce my body fat percentage. At the moment I am at 25-30%. But these are just figures on my scales. But nevertheless, I still lack some knowledge to make all the preparations and perform a cycle. I'm not on TRT or anything. So far I haven't gotten any of the compounds which is why I can't give a brand or exact details of the compounds I use.

Where I'm current at:
Height: 1,88m / 6.2 feet
Weight: 86kg / 190lbs
Bodyfat: 25-30% (measured with a simple body scale)

Current diet:
I eat low carb at the moment
Carbs: 10%
Fat: 60%
Proteine: 30%

The cycle I target:
Testosterone enanthate + Proviron
Cycle plan:
12 weeks cycle with 3 weeks PCT

4 weeks of Testosterone 250mg/week (2x125mg/Monday & Thursday)
8 weeks of Testosterone 500mg/week (2x250mg/Monday & Thursday)
Q1: What do you think about the testosterone dosage?
Q2: Is the distribution of the dosage over the days I have chosen okay?

12 weeks of Proviron 25mg/day
Maybe next cycle Primo or Mast.
Q3: How would you dosage the Proviron?
Q4: Should I use Proviron from the beginning of the cycle or with the start of the higher testosterone intake or after 2 weeks of the higher testosterone intake and do bloodwork beforehand?

3 weeks Clomid 50mg/day (25mg morning & night)
4 weeks Nolva 20mg/day (10mg morning & night)
35 days after last Testosterone intake (after 20 days bloodwork to see testosterone level)
Q5: What do you think about my PCT strategy?

Diet on cycle:
High Carbs
First 6 weeks 3500-3700 kcal
Carbs: 55%
Fat: 15%
Proteine: 30%
Last 6 weeks 4200-4500 kcal.
On cycle calories are adjusted based on growth and increase in body fat percentage.
Q6: Are these enough calories or does the distribution of the quantity need to be arranged differently?

Creatine: 8g/day
Magnesium: 500mg/day
Calcium: 800mg/day (includes Vitamin D)
Zinc: 50mg/day
Omega 3: 6g/day
Vitamin a-z: 1pill/day
Ashwanganda: 1pill/day
Q7: What supplements do you suggest to support the cycle?

Training during cycle:
6x/week push/pull/legs
3x/week rowermachine 30min

1 Pre-cycle. I will do the first test at the beginning of March. (hormones = oestradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA & cortisol)
After 4 weeks at the middle of the cycle (hormones)
After 8 weeks at the middle of the cycle (hormones)
After 12 weeks at the end of the cycle (hormones)
After 15 weeks at the end of PCT
After 21 weeks to check if testosterone level bounced back (hormones)
Q8: Is it enough bloodwork?
Q9: Should I also do bloodwork to check for other things?
Q10: What other things I should monitor like blood pressure etc.?

Syringes: 2ml
Needles: 30mm x 0.7mm for injecting and 40mm x 1.2mm for drawing up.
Alcohol pads

I hope I have been able to give you an insight into my plan and I am open to all suggestions and ideas. I will also answer all your questions as far as possible.


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  • MeBeforeCorona.jpg
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If that’s you on the left after being “back” in the gym for a year, you don’t need a cycle you need to learn how to work out, not even diet as much. Sorry but doesn’t even look like you touched a weight in past year.
OK, maybe I need to explain that better. The one picture is from before Corona so almost 4 years ago. So I haven't done any sport for almost 3 years and had a lot more on my ribs last year.
Sorry I just noticed I labeled the picture wrong and forgot to upload one. The one on the left is me after Corona and not now.
This picture is me now.


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I have now done a hormone level test and here are the results:
Estradiol: 2.40 pg/ml
Progesterone: 56 pg/ml
Testosterone: 77 pg/ml
Cortisol (0-1.5 h): 6020 pg/ml
DHEA (morning): 637 pg/ml
Cortisol/DHEA quotient (morning): 7.5:1
Pg/E2: 20.2:1
What do you think of the result?
Should I also do other tests?

I will use the following format (as in the pinned thread) for the compounds in this log:
"[SourceName] Compounds listed [Date compounds bought from source]"

I have now the following compounds on hand:
[Testanon] Sustanon 250mg/ml [15Mar2024]

[Bayer] Proviron [15Mar2024]