My first cycle


New Member
Hello, everyone!!
I'll summarize a little quickly. 36 years old, since I was 30 when my son was born, I left myself in a brutal way, reaching 104kg while measuring 1.80. After serious problems with 2 herniated discs I decided to change habits.
I currently weigh 90kg and around 14% fat.
This is the cycle I am following (I am in week 5)


Test enanthate 350mg per week
Masteron 200mg per week
Primobolan 200 mg per week

T3 and T4 (I bought a mixed): 1 a day

Arimidex: 1 Monday, 1 Wednesday, 1 Friday
Clenbuterol: 20/40/60/80

nac, liv52, l glutathione and selenium

The bloodtest IS good in the 3 weeks, after 2 days of pinning.The gains and feelings are very good


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Hello, everyone!!
I'll summarize a little quickly. 36 years old, since I was 30 when my son was born, I left myself in a brutal way, reaching 104kg while measuring 1.80. After serious problems with 2 herniated discs I decided to change habits.
I currently weigh 90kg and around 14% fat.
This is the cycle I am following (I am in week 5)


Test enanthate 350mg per week
Masteron 200mg per week
Primobolan 200 mg per week

T3 and T4 (I bought a mixed): 1 a day

Arimidex: 1 Monday, 1 Wednesday, 1 Friday
Clenbuterol: 20/40/60/80

nac, liv52, l glutathione and selenium

The bloodtest IS good in the 3 weeks, after 2 days of pinning.The gains and feelings are very good
Jesus, first cycle and you are on all of that?

I don't even know where to begin other than to say that most on a first cycle are recommended to start with testosterone only and a dose of 250 to 350 is sufficient, although many also like to say 500 per week.

Other than that, Im going to pass. Wish you the best.
Your first cycle should only be test. If you get sides you don’t know what it’s from.
Plus you’re taking and anti estrogen drug plus two compounds that can act as anti estrogens.
Your first cycle should only be test. If you get sides you don’t know what it’s from.
Plus you’re taking and anti estrogen drug plus two compounds that can act as anti estrogens.
I go with a preparer and blood test. I think the arimidex was prescribed by starting with a high bf
At the end of the graph you can see how everything exploded with 3 weeks of cycle


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…. No need for all of that.

You need to do just test and test ONLY for first cycle, because if you have problems you have no idea what it is coming from.
Daaaamn thats a big stack for a first timer! Did you build that yourself or did someone help you? Whats the goal for the cycle? Fat loss? Interesting, I can tell with 100% certainty you are on way too much for a first run. Your body is going to be in shock when all that shit starts to hit you.
Just think bro you putting 7 different drugs that your body has never seen all at once. Your body is going to be like wtf is all of this and you will probably end up getting sick or something.
Good luck finding out what is causing what when you encounter side effects. This is not gonna be a feel good cycle. Testosterone only would yield you more gains and knowledge, at least sides wise it's simple and easy to control unlike other steroids especially on your first time.
If you’re dead set on running multiple compounds, at least drop the primo, thyroid, and clen. Save the clen for later in the cycle if everything’s going well. Don’t start on the arimidex unless you need it (you probably won’t). 350 test and 200 mast you likely won’t have issues. You’d have even less potential issues on 350 test only, but aside from maybe hair loss and prostate, that mast (probably) wont mess you up
500g test per wk
Check bloods half way thru (4-6 wks) to get an idea if you need an AI. I'd recommend aromasin over adex. It's much easier on the lipids.
Keep things simple on your first cycle. Like previously mentioned you need to know how your body reacts to each substance
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