My first run. 10 weeks 500mg test-e 400mg EQ

How many weeks after last shot you started pct?
No sides at all ?

If your talking to me, I actually stopped the EQ week 10 and took 250mg of test week 11 and started my pct week 13. No sides that I noticed I thought I was for sure going to get the anxiety that people talk about on EQ and a rise in blood pressure because I'm disposed to both normally but It was all good. Pct was kinda rough though, I got pretty depressed and i think it was the clomid.
If your talking to me, I actually stopped the EQ week 10 and took 250mg of test week 11 and started my pct week 13. No sides that I noticed I thought I was for sure going to get the anxiety that people talk about on EQ and a rise in blood pressure because I'm disposed to both normally but It was all good. Pct was kinda rough though, I got pretty depressed and i think it was the clomid.
Any reason you stopped the EQ at 10 weeks? I've read that you need to run it at least 16 weeks bc of the long ass ester.
I liked the var more.. it seemed to harden me up more. The tbol gave me more strength for sure but fucked up my appetite i was having a hard time eating. I started at 60 and had to back down to 40mg ed with the tbol. The var didnt do much in the way of strength for me but i looked awesome. Really vascular and dense. Agaain i started at 60 but my bp was going crazy so i had to back down to 40... that seemed to be my sweet spot for the 2
Damn, I hope my source restocks on var before my next cycle. I wanna try to get that hard, vascular, "freaky" look lol.
Any reason you stopped the EQ at 10 weeks? I've read that you need to run it at least 16 weeks bc of the long ass ester.

My plan was just to run a 10 week cycle. Didn't wanna go any longer for my first run. If I could go back I probably would have just kept going for 16 weeks my body was really starting to change on the 10th week. I also did the 250mg of test on the 11th week so the EQ could clear out a little more before I started my PCT.
My plan was just to run a 10 week cycle. Didn't wanna go any longer for my first run. If I could go back I probably would have just kept going for 16 weeks my body was really starting to change on the 10th week. I also did the 250mg of test on the 11th week so the EQ could clear out a little more before I started my PCT.
What was your diet like? Looks like you may have gotten leaner.
What was your diet like? Looks like you may have gotten leaner.

Protein sources were, Very little red meat, lots of lean ground turkey and fish, moderate amount of chicken, whey protein powder, and Greek yogurt. Carbs i was eating oats, fruits in the morning, basmati rice, and baby red potatoes, then 2 servings of veggies with every meal. I was right around 400 grams of carbs, 200 grams of protein, 80 grams of fat. Around 3800 calories.
Protein sources were, Very little red meat, lots of lean ground turkey and fish, moderate amount of chicken, whey protein powder, and Greek yogurt. Carbs i was eating oats, fruits in the morning, basmati rice, and baby red potatoes, then 2 servings of veggies with every meal. I was right around 400 grams of carbs, 200 grams of protein, 80 grams of fat. Around 3800 calories.
Given your size, I'm guessing 3800 was a mild surplus? I'm 5'8" 180 lbs and am eating 4200 calories and gaining pretty fast. If I do run EQ, I was thinking of keeping the surplus moderate so that I keep the gains as lean as possible (to hopefully get results similar to yours). I'll be doing more research in the meantime.
I finished a cycle 6 weeks ago of Test cyp-500, EQ-800, Proviron-50mg/day, & 4iu's of HGH/day for 16 weeks however I stayed on the growth.
I had awesome results and I love how vascular you get running EQ. My red blood cell count went up a little but I gave blood before, mid, and end of cycle.
I finished a cycle 6 weeks ago of Test cyp-500, EQ-800, Proviron-50mg/day, & 4iu's of HGH/day for 16 weeks however I stayed on the growth.
I had awesome results and I love how vascular you get running EQ. My red blood cell count went up a little but I gave blood before, mid, and end of cycle.
What was your bf% at the start of the cycle? I heard you have to be like 10% to get the crazy vascularity from EQ. I'm thinking about ordering some today along with tbol.
Start of cycle, probably 13-14% and at the end right around 10%, maybe a little higher.
Really vascular in my arms, but veins popping up everywhere, calves, legs, shoulders
Start of cycle, probably 13-14% and at the end right around 10%, maybe a little higher.
Really vascular in my arms, but veins popping up everywhere, calves, legs, shoulders
Just ordered the EQ and some var (they restocked!!), planning to kickstart with the var for 5-6 weeks. I should be right around 13% by the time I'm ready to start in December. I'm really looking forward to this cycle, sounds/looks like you guys got some great results!