My hcg dosage schedule please critique it. I am worried that I might be using too much


New Member
Monday 1000iu
Tuesday 1000iu
Wednesday 1500iu
Thursday 1500iu
Friday 1500iu
Saturday 1000iu
Sunday 500iu
Monday 500iu
Tuesday 500iu

The reason that I was using so much is that my nuts were badly shrunken and irritated. I am also kind of depressed and hcg helps me feel better, but I am careful not to use too much and exceed 2000iu.

Should I lower the dosage?

Also I am waiting on purchasing some hmg as well
Yeah that's what I thought also. Honestly I'm getting addicted to hcg for some reason. I gotta space it out and use it maybe 3 times per week.

I'm also doing test at 500mg per week.