My second cycle to gain size, what do you think?


New Member
Good everyone, in about 2-4 weeks when I finish the definition phase I'm going to start my second cycle to gain size.
I was thinking of using the following, what do you guys think:
Testosterone cypionate: 350mg/week.
Boldenone: 400mg/week.
Oxandrolone: 20mg/pre-workout.

The brand I will use will be Human Labs and are the following products:
Boldenone 500mg/ml
Testosterone cypionate 300mg/ml
Oxandrolone 10mg

The duration of the cycle will be 12 weeks.
For aromatization, I will initially use nothing and if I start to notice nipple discomfort. I will use 10/20mg of tamoxifen every day before bedtime.

This is the first time I'm adding an oral, as my first cycle I didn't use any, I only used testosterone.

I'm just finishing up the definition and seeing how things are going, I think I'll end up in about 2-4 weeks at about 81kg defined. I am 5'7" tall.

What do you guys think about the structure and substances, would you change anything? I am open to any opinion and advice.

Thank you very much
I think either option is good. I like how you slightly reduced the test and added something else in.

I do not know too much about EQ other than it has e2 lowering effects. Alot of people talk about a "kick in time". No idea wtf that is

Regardless could repeat cycle one, but I'm sure you wanna play with other substances. Looks like a solid cycle brother. Good luck
Sounds like a successful cycle. Why not repeat it and maximize your test only gains?
My trainer has structured this second cycle for me. He has told me to buy the products and that in 2, 4 weeks we will finish the definition and start with this protocol.
That's why I also wanted to know the opinion of more people.
As I have never used boldenone or oxandrolone I wanted to see what you think and so have a little more information.
My third cycle was bold500, test 500. Was a great cycle. I use bold during mass phases now regularly and think it definitely adds to the vacularity. I will say it’s a long acting ester and I have been told it’s gets better with cycle length. I’m running it 20 weeks this year fyi.
My third cycle was bold500, test 500. Was a great cycle. I use bold during mass phases now regularly and think it definitely adds to the vacularity. I will say it’s a long acting ester and I have been told it’s gets better with cycle length. I’m running it 20 weeks this year fyi.
12 weeks is not enough time then?
Have you also tried oxandrolone?

By the way, what do you think of the vial of humanlabs where the concentration of boldenone is 500mg/ml, do you think it can produce pain pip?
I would personally swap the boldenone for primo as boldenone can be a problematic compound.

It can lower your e2, cause anxiety and raise your RBC very quickly.
I would personally swap the boldenone for primo as boldenone can be a problematic compound.

It can lower your e2, cause anxiety and raise your RBC very quickly.
People say the same with primo. It was made for anemia

Lowered my e2 as well
12 weeks is not enough time then?
Have you also tried oxandrolone?

By the way, what do you think of the vial of humanlabs where the concentration of boldenone is 500mg/ml, do you think it can produce pain pip?
First, if ur not gonna cruise then I wouldn’t run long cycles. Just my experience. I did not have a problem with pct and recovery after my 12weeks of bold and test. Bold may not it a bunch of size on you but it increases collagen synthesis and it’s ai properties are great.
Second, I love me some anavar. If it’s legit and god bless I have had some legit Var, i like it for driving strength in my workouts. Almost as good as tren for strength for me. Also I think it makes a difference on my fat in my midsection. Both my wife and I feel this is the case fyi.
Finally, I used a 500mg bold once from juice pal and the pop was horrid for me. Almost as bad as carnitine dosed at 600mgs/cc. If ur afraid of injection volumes I suggest working on your technique and finding a spot that comfortable for you to drop 2-3 cc at a time.
People say the same with primo. It was made for anemia

Lowered my e2 as well

Primo is a DHT derivative so it lowers E2 but not significantly. I believe boldenone increases E1 which outcompetes E2 and can completely suppress E2.

Some say the anxiety effects that boldenone produces is due to interactions with GABA.

I personally think 400mg of primo a week instead of boldenone would be a better choice but thats just my opinion :)
Primo is a DHT derivative so it lowers E2 but not significantly. I believe boldenone increases E1 which outcompetes E2 and can completely suppress E2.

Some say the anxiety effects that boldenone produces is due to interactions with GABA.

I personally think 400mg of primo a week instead of boldenone would be a better choice but thats just my opinion :)
It did on blood work for me.
Kept my e2 below 40 no matter what I did.

300 test 300 primo. 600 test, 300 primo.

Shot it over 140 when I dropped primo and added 600 mast
Start that cycle with dbol for first 4 weeks and you'll gain size allright.
As I understand it, dianabol will make me gain weight but almost all the kg will be water and when I stop taking it I will lose it. I'm not interested in that either, I want real gains
Only thing I would point out is that you are going from 500mg/week to 940mg/week. I personally think its too much. Depending on your goals 5mg/kg might be just right.

I listen to Broderick Chavez when it comes down to steroid. He says that doing more gear than you need yields drastically diminishing returns.

He said that if you are the average gym goer who just wants to get bigger, take 5x your body weight in kg as a total amount in mg. 10mg/kg for amateurs competing and 20mg/kg for pros. Obviously genetic plays a role here so YMMV.

Personally I was able to add 9lbs of muscle while losing 17lbs of fat on my first cycle which was 250mg/week test and 50mg/week of primo(equivalent in oral form). Got a DEXA before/after so I am not guessing here.

The best thing to do might just be to lower the test and replace it with something more anabolic, like bold, primo, mast, or whatever.

If I were you I would simply lower the test to an aggressive TRT dose(200-250mg/wk) and bring the total to 500mg/wk with 250-300mg/wk of boldenone.

You are going in your second cycle. There will be plenty of time to up the dose in the future.