Nandrolone effect on LPa


Well-known Member

So nandrolone decreases LPa, which should be cardio protective. I wonder if the lowering of LPa overpowers the decrease in HDL or elevation of LDL?

So nandrolone decreases LPa, which should be cardio protective. I wonder if the lowering of LPa overpowers the decrease in HDL or elevation of LDL?
I’m sure it’s difficult for everyone, but nandrolone raises my CRP a bit. Which can be bad for endothelial glycocalyx, and plaque deposits. However I still use it as I seem to do well and not get sides from it.

Have you done an LP(a) test yet whist on trt to see how much you have genetically.

I’m fortunate that my LP(a) is <8.4 and undetectable.
It is currently the majority view that Lp(a) as determined by genetic-heritable factors is an independent risk factor not particularly amenable to clinically significant modification. For example, while niacin lowers Lp(a) and small LDL particles/VLDL significantly, it doesn't actually reduce risks of coronary events. Know what your Lp(a) is, certainly. But, for now at least, lifestyle & statins are still the best treatment currently available.

However, PCSK9 inhibitors are very interesting; and might revolutionize treating atherosclerotic disease when combined with a statin. They're just currently quite novel; and expensive.