Nebivolol to Counter Tren Sides?!?


It’s been roughly 8 years since I’ve touched tren; but I remember it vividly. Crazy strength, intense rage, hyper CNS stimulation, feeling very tense all the time.

Well, two weeks ago I decided to add it to my test/mast/primo cycle at 50mg tren ace daily (Goodlyfe), and I have zero negative sides aside from acid reflux the first week… and the only thing that I can think of is that maybe the 5mg of Nebivolol I now take daily might some how be countering the CNS related sides?

It’s crazy because since starting tren I’ve actually been happier and have been sleeping just fine.

Think these are correlated? I’ve also never ran tren with mast so that’s also a possibility.
In my limited experience with test/mast/tren (premixed RIP blend) the mast did very little to counter sides of even the low doses of Tren…had 1 successful short cycle with only minor issues (BP, sweating, insomnia, occasional quick temper/irritation) which was all manageable, but the second time I tried to run it (same stuff, same dose, 2/3 years apart) things got a bit weird pretty quick - mentally & physically, but more mentally… so had to abort cycle short of 3 weeks in, before it got too much!!
Maybe I panicked and came off too early, maybe I could have ride it out, but I could feel things weren’t going right…and didn’t want to risk it.
Was almost like my body remembered it from before, and just suddenly decided it wasn’t going to have it this time even at low dose!! Obviously absolutely fine with just Test/Mast.
In my limited experience with test/mast/tren (premixed RIP blend) the mast did very little to counter sides of even the low doses of Tren…had 1 successful short cycle with only minor issues (BP, sweating, insomnia, occasional quick temper/irritation) which was all manageable, but the second time I tried to run it (same stuff, same dose, 2/3 years apart) things got a bit weird pretty quick - mentally & physically, but more mentally… so had to abort cycle short of 3 weeks in, before it got too much!!
Maybe I panicked and came off too early, maybe I could have ride it out, but I could feel things weren’t going right…and didn’t want to risk it.
Was almost like my body remembered it from before, and just suddenly decided it wasn’t going to have it this time even at low dose!! Obviously absolutely fine with just Test/Mast.
Some Tren PTSD!

