Need advice on first stack. Test 400, Tri-tren, and Deca.

Richy Rich

New Member
I'm 43, 6'1" and weigh 203. I've been lifting off and on since my teens, but got serious 3 years ago. I decided to get some gear because I haven't been getting quality gains for the last year. This is my first cycle. I have Tri-tren, Test 400, and Deca. My friend suggested .5cc of each EOD. I've watched countless YouTube videos and read a lot of forums. I need dosing advice. My goal is to get max results without liver damage. I have PCT already lined up. PLEASE HELP.
600mg test e/w pinned 2x a week. Keep everything else for your next cycle you don't need it yet. First cycle is to get your feet wet with test and see how you respond not to put multiple compounds in and have unknown reasons for which sides you're getting.
Tren to start cycle. 300 mg/week (about 40mg ed) for 3 weeks or til one vial is over, to jump start cycle. There will be sides from week 2-3. It takes 3 -4 weeks for test and Deca to get going. Start Deca and Test same day as tren. For 10-12 weeks. 500 mg test. per week and 300 mg deca every week. That's 250 mg test and 150 mg deca every 3.5 days. But you have to research first. Prolactin elevation with tren and deca. Estrogen levels increaing. Take .5 mg AI 2 weeks into cycle everyday.

But test 500 mg a week 2x. Is an amazing first cycle also.
Like @RodgerThat said, you should really just do a simple Test E or C run the first time. No need to stack anything bro. If your diet an training are in check you should see some awesome gains on 500mg of Test week split up into two 250mg pins per week. Good luck bro;)
Tren to start cycle. 300 mg/week (about 40mg ed) for 3 weeks or til one vial is over, to jump start cycle. There will be sides from week 2-3. It takes 3 -4 weeks for test and Deca to get going. Start Deca and Test same day as tren. For 10-12 weeks. 500 mg test. per week and 300 mg deca every week. That's 250 mg test and 150 mg deca every 3.5 days. But you have to research first. Prolactin elevation with tren and deca. Estrogen levels increaing. Take .5 mg AI 2 weeks into cycle everyday.

But test 500 mg a week 2x. Is an amazing first cycle also.

All of this except you're last 13 words is terrible advice for a first cycle. Furthermore AI start at the 2 week mark this isn't hcg, it's not like estro is gonna be like ya wanna know what I should show up to the party after a couple weeks I'm just gonna let the other guys have fun effort I come.

Keep it simple man test only .25 adex EOD from the start then nolva clomid pct.
I did the same thing you did ordered a bunch of shit for my first cycle. Took the advice to do test only and im glad i did. You really need to see how test effects you before you more on to other stuff especially tren. And if your really eager to stack something add an oral during your last 4 weeks.
Just to expand on why the other guys are telling you to run test only is not just because it helps get your feet wet learning how your body will respond, but because you've just begun getting your feet wet researching, tren and deca are both progesterones, stacking them will come with some serious sides not to mention both compounds on there own can carry pretty serious sides, deca may caus some bloat, major shutdown, and the illustrious deca dick; and tren can be a whole other motherfucker sitting by itself in its own league if you're prone to the sides, some aren't, and some will experience irritability, insomnia, profuse sweating ( I wake up drenched when on tren), along with a slew of gyno issues. Most will recommend a few cycles before even trying tren and for you to jump in stacking to serious compounds may cause more harm than good.

Trust and believe us when we tell you, run test alone for your first time, than maybe test with a dbol kick start, than add some deca to the next one and learn how you respond to each, I know that reading some of these insane cycle breakdowns seems appetizing but also remember for those of us who use incredulous amounts of gear or run some more intricate cycles is because of 2 things, our experience on how we react and how to assess issues if they arise, and second because many of us are lifers and shutdown is now the norm for us so our lack of concern with suppression is evident in our cycle.

You're doing the right thing though, research and ask questions BEFORE the cycle, to often a thread is started because of all the issues mid cycle.
I'm 43, 6'1" and weigh 203. I've been lifting off and on since my teens, but got serious 3 years ago. I decided to get some gear because I haven't been getting quality gains for the last year. This is my first cycle. I have Tri-tren, Test 400, and Deca. My friend suggested .5cc of each EOD. I've watched countless YouTube videos and read a lot of forums. I need dosing advice. My goal is to get max results without liver damage. I have PCT already lined up. PLEASE HELP.

I get scared when I hear test400. Hope you're not running paxton...
Like @RodgerThat said, you should really just do a simple Test E or C run the first time. No need to stack anything bro. If your diet an training are in check you should see some awesome gains on 500mg of Test week split up into two 250mg pins per week. Good luck bro;)

Agreed. 1st cycle = test only. You'll put on 15-30 lbs. easy if you train, diet, and rest correctly. Good luck man!!! Pin 2 x a week and keep those levels more even than once a week...
600mg test e/w pinned 2x a week. Keep everything else for your next cycle you don't need it yet. First cycle is to get your feet wet with test and see how you respond not to put multiple compounds in and have unknown reasons for which sides you're getting.
Thank you. I appreciate your advice. I'll run that for 12 weeks then do my PCT. Could you give me advice on my next cycle with the above mentioned gear ?
Test deca. Wait on that tren man. Educate yourself on tren, the side effects, and be prepared mentally before you take that plunge. Tren is some serious stuff . Also educate yourself on the other 19-nor deca, as deca can have some sides like deca dick, before you take that on your second cycle . Test, deca, and dbol would be a good second cycle. 12 weeks on test/Deca, with the first 4-6 weeks including dbol at
Maybe 50mg a day.
I did the same thing you did ordered a bunch of shit for my first cycle. Took the advice to do test only and im glad i did. You really need to see how test effects you before you more on to other stuff especially tren. And if your really eager to stack something add an oral during your last 4 weeks.
Thanks man. You're right. I hear great things about tren. But the sides can be harsh from what I hear. I'll follow the advice bro.
Test deca. Wait on that tren man. Educate yourself on tren, the side effects, and be prepared mentally before you take that plunge. Tren is some serious stuff . Also educate yourself on the other 19-nor deca, as deca can have some sides like deca dick, before you take that on your second cycle . Test, deca, and dbol would be a good second cycle. 12 weeks on test/Deca, with the first 4-6 weeks including dbol at
Maybe 50mg a day.
Thanks. Like I said it's my first cycle and I'm trying to gather all the best advise I can get. YouTube is ok but I think most of them have motives because of endorsements.
Just to expand on why the other guys are telling you to run test only is not just because it helps get your feet wet learning how your body will respond, but because you've just begun getting your feet wet researching, tren and deca are both progesterones, stacking them will come with some serious sides not to mention both compounds on there own can carry pretty serious sides, deca may caus some bloat, major shutdown, and the illustrious deca dick; and tren can be a whole other motherfucker sitting by itself in its own league if you're prone to the sides, some aren't, and some will experience irritability, insomnia, profuse sweating ( I wake up drenched when on tren), along with a slew of gyno issues. Most will recommend a few cycles before even trying tren and for you to jump in stacking to serious compounds may cause more harm than good.

Trust and believe us when we tell you, run test alone for your first time, than maybe test with a dbol kick start, than add some deca to the next one and learn how you respond to each, I know that reading some of these insane cycle breakdowns seems appetizing but also remember for those of us who use incredulous amounts of gear or run some more intricate cycles is because of 2 things, our experience on how we react and how to assess issues if they arise, and second because many of us are lifers and shutdown is now the norm for us so our lack of concern with suppression is evident in our cycle.

You're doing the right thing though, research and ask questions BEFORE the cycle, to often a thread is started because of all the issues mid cycle.
Thanks man. I'll take your advice. I'm hearing similar advice from people with experience. I'm really trying to gain all the knowledge I can so I get max results and keep my gains without damaging myself.

