Need Anadrol 50 and test e source last source was bunked.


New Member
About last year i had ordered some anadrol and test e. I ran the anadrol for 3 weeks and it was terible no weight gain no strength gain it was terible and i spent about 80 bucks on it. The brand was Radjay pharmaceuticals. I had someone that my friend worked out with order it for me so im not sure what website he got it from. Can someone please direct me to a legit source i dont want to spend money on fake crap.
Just spend some time researching this section and you’ll find what you’re looking for. People here aren’t too keen on spoon feeding information on where to buy gear. And I wouldn’t reply to any “sources” that reach out to you via pm. Good luck
What was your diet and stats? How do you know it was bunk, you.may have been under eating
When your eating 4,500 to 5000 calories everyday for 3-4 you weeks you would think you would gain 20 30 pounds on anadrol or feel something at least
But if someone could private message me a source that would be great the source i wanted to buy from says that they arent taking new customers.
But if someone could private message me a source that would be great the source i wanted to buy from says that they arent taking new customers.
Oh be ready to be scammed. Worst possible thing you could post. You'll get plenty of messages with offers tho