Need confirmation or advice for coming off Sus 250,Deca,and Dbol cycle?


New Member
I'm on my fifth week of cycle. Sus 250 -500mg/week, Deca-400mg/week,Dbol running 25 mg split per day. D-bol week 1-6 . Sus 250,and Deca weeks 1-13. Total cycle including PCT is 17 weeks! Stop all at week 12,13. Start Pct weeks 15-17.Question- what would be best possible PCT CYCLE? Nolvadex 20mg a day for last 3 weeks , 20 mg per day? With HCG HIGH DOSE LAST 2 weeks? I know it's best to start PCT 10 to 14 days after last pins. Or am I wrong?? I also heard to jump start Clomid and Nolvadex together for jump start? This is what I gathered from researching! Can ANYONE PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF IM IN THE BAll PARK! Since this is one of the simplest stacks I'd like to know what is my formula for this PCT?? Thanks my brother and sisters! Need FULL RUN DOWN ! I hear Arimidex .5mg a day also! So please do tell ! Thanks !!
OP, please do not take this the wrong way. But, you need to do a lot more reading. All the questions you need answered are contained in the threads. So just use the search function. As an opinion, I would begin with ester half-lives in relation to PCT start time. Waiting only two weeks may not be the best idea. Good luck and stay safe.
OP, please do not take this the wrong way. But, you need to do a lot more reading. All the questions you need answered are contained in the threads. So just use the search function. As an opinion, I would begin with ester half-lives in relation to PCT start time. Waiting only two weeks may not be the best idea. Good luck and stay safe.
Thanks! I also read wait 4- 6 weeks until test is out of system! Get a lot of conflicting info!
Unfortunately there is a lot of conflicting information and not enough valid research to support claims. Well, sometimes anyway. One other thing I would like to mention. Is that AI dosing shouldn't be done arbitrarily. .5 dex daily may be perfect for some and inappropriate for others. Bloodwork is the best way to dial in dosing if you have doubts. Estrogen has a role to play in the body. High or low just isn't optimal. This is a great place to learn. Just read and cross reference with legitimate research. You can often use google scholar to help with this.
Unfortunately there is a lot of conflicting information and not enough valid research to support claims. Well, sometimes anyway. One other thing I would like to mention. Is that AI dosing shouldn't be done arbitrarily. .5 dex daily may be perfect for some and inappropriate for others. Bloodwork is the best way to dial in dosing if you have doubts. Estrogen has a role to play in the body. High or low just isn't optimal. This is a great place to learn. Just read and cross reference with legitimate research. You can often use google scholar to help with this.