Need filter for pieces of vial stopper

so i have some pieces of floating rubber from the vial stopper broken into the vials. Wondering what the best way to filter that out would be. I have a vacuum pump filtration system but I'd probably lose most of the half vial or whatever.

Maybe like, a coffee filter and just heat up the oil beforehand?

Anyways thanks. Dont want to inject pieces of tiny rubber if I can avoid it.

Maybe I could just suck up the vial with like a 27g syringe and that would be enough to filter it out?

Or shit just use a piece of cotton, junkie style lol.
I'm sure there is different ways, maybe easier too, but I personally draw the oil with a 60ml sterile syringe and then push it through a 22um PTFE into a pre-sterilized vial using a caulk gun to aid with the pushing.