Need help with my PCT


New Member
I completed a cycle of Anadrol , Test E and Tren on Feb 1st.
Sadly my PCT stuff I ordered (nolva/clomid) did not get here in time (stuck in customs) so I had to re-order it and it wont be here for 2 weeks. It will come with my next cycle and my questions are as follows.

1. All I have on hand is arimidex and HCG so I cant do a proper PCT, should I do a nolva/clomid PCT when everything gets here or should I just start my next cycle?

2. What advantage would I have of doing the PCT vs just starting another cycle and doing a PCT after that one?

3. If I should do a 3 week PCT when it gets here, how long should I wait after that before I start my next cycle?

Just not sure what to do when that stuff gets here. This is the first time I haven't had the proper stuff on hand when my cycle is completed.

Thanks in advance for your help...
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You should have had ALL your gear in hand BEFORE you began your cycle. No excuse. If youre missing something, you dont begin. Period.

Your next option would have been to cruise on test until your SERM's arrived. But you didnt so no sense discussing it. But i felt it was important to point pout for others reading this thread in the off chance they find themselves in a similar predicament.

Moving forward, when your PCT supplies arrive begin your recovery and be aggressive with your hCG for the same duration as your planned PCT.

And finally, for cycling - time on + PCT = time off. The advantages of executing your cycles properly and responsibly is your health. That should be your number one concern. If it isn't, you have no business using AAS.
I completed a cycle of Anadrol , Test E and Tren on Feb 1st.
Sadly my PCT stuff I ordered (nolva/clomid) did not get here in time (stuck in customs) so I had to re-order it and it wont be here for 2 weeks. It will come with my next cycle and my questions are as follows.

1. All I have on hand is arimidex and HCG so I cant do a proper PCT, should I do a nolva/clomid PCT when everything gets here or should I just start my next cycle?

2. What advantage would I have of doing the PCT vs just starting another cycle and doing a PCT after that one?

3. If I should do a 3 week PCT when it gets here, how long should I wait after that before I start my next cycle?

Just not sure what to do when that stuff gets here. This is the first time I haven't had the proper stuff on hand when my cycle is completed.

Thanks in advance for your help...
Great questions... I'm in the same boat, but don't have any PCT's. I am about to finish a cycle, but don't know how to obtain these without risking trouble. Maybe you can help... I have been doing Dbol Liquid, Test Enthanate. I've gotten great results, just think its time to lay off, to be safe about my supplementation and overall health. By the way, I live here in the U.S. (Ohio). How can I obtain these PCT's, and which ones do I need?
what northern nutrition said X99999.... go to the underground and order from one of those guys there. most will take anywhere from 1-4 weeks, sometimes longer, to receive your orders though so this should have been planned and in hand before your first pin...

i made the same mistake on my last cycle (also my first) but luckily i asked for advise here mid way through my cycle and i ordered the PCT and it came in with plenty of time to spare. use this as a learning experience and hope you recover fully.. good luck
Ok look.... You fukd up thats a givin no need in bashing you for it. Personally i dont see what the point is in telling you how dumb you are like most will... That wont accompish anything... If i was you personally i would and this is me going off if not knowin how much hcg you have... Blast your hcg.. I would do like 2500iu every 4 days for next few weeks.. Believe it or not if you blast your hcg like that it will do wonders at getting you bals workig again. That being said it will not do as good as if you would have done it right but if you blast the hcg for about three weeks maybe four it will do more than one would think...
Oh and dont freak out you will be ok just use this as a lesson learned and make sure you have everything u need in hand before u start!!! Hope it all works out!!! Blast that shit man and bring then boys back to life!!!
Ok look.... You fukd up thats a givin no need in bashing you for it. Personally i dont see what the point is in telling you how dumb you are like most will... That wont accompish anything... If i was you personally i would and this is me going off if not knowin how much hcg you have... Blast your hcg.. I would do like 2500iu every 4 days for next few weeks.. Believe it or not if you blast your hcg like that it will do wonders at getting you bals workig again. That being said it will not do as good as if you would have done it right but if you blast the hcg for about three weeks maybe four it will do more than one would think...

You do realize he has no PCT and HCG is suppressive of endogenous LH production right?
Yeh he is fukd... He has no pct so his best bet is to blast the hcg or a few weeks to try to bring them back to life a little... I mean e had no other choice.. Either way its not ideal but if u were in his position what would u do...? Ecactly... Either way u look at it its not good so his best bet is to just blast the hcg till he runs out and hope for the best.. Right?? Idk thats what i would do
Im sure people will chime in and say take this or take that but the reality is he doesnt have that... All he has is hcg... So hell his only option is trying to utilize the hcg as best as he can... I mean idk dont u think? Thats what j would do... If u have any better idea i would like to know because im allways down to learn new things but at this point with what he has thats his best option...
OK, I will do 2,500iu HCG every 3-4 days, I am doing Tuesday and Friday each week. Hopefully by the time I get through the 15,000 IUs the nolva and clomid will be here. Once that is here I'll do a PCT cycle.

My 3 questions would be:

#1. Should I do a normal 3 week PCT run or should I do something different because it wasn't right after my cycle?

#2. Should I incluce HCG in my PCT or just do Nolva and clomid

#3. How long should I stay off till my next cycle or should I just go off my blood work? If I should just go off labs, how long to wait to check my levels and what should I get checked for? I had a health scare in the last year and got complete panels done about 5 times so I should be able to compare them but want to make sure I ask for the right things to be tested.

Thanks for everyones help, I really appreciate it. I fucked up, I know but thanks to you guys I should be on the right track. Lesson learned.
I'm no genius bro but I would suggest at least a 4 week long pct... run clomid 100 ed along with tamox 40 ed for 2 weeks, then 50 clo ed and 20 tamoxifen ED for the remainder. That should work out and start the pct the day after your last pin of hcg? That's what I would do but like I said I'm not a pro at this

Also as for how long you should wait till next cycle, forst off research more about steroids, second I would recommend wait at least time on+time on pct then get bloods done and if bloods are ok then go for it.. but please make sure you have everything you need before you think about pinning. Good luck, report back.

Sorry one more edit, and this is just a personal opinion, I wouldn't run hcg so high, I would do like 1000 iu e3d... but that's just me I'm a little nervous about suppression
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Anyone know what things I should look for specifically on my blood work?
Besides my test levels...
If I know exactly what to look for, I'll make sure my dr asks for all the right panels.

Let me know.
Thnx again