Need help with pct !


New Member
I am going to run a cycle of cidotestone , a type of test from Egypt 3/4 ml a week
What pct will I need and how much , I have been told I defently need anastrol or clomid and nolvadex and something for your balls lol
I am very confused and do not want to start until I have everything ! Also I have no clue where to get any of this from some one help !!!
Thanks guys
You have no business running a cycle in my opinion.

Please do more research. When you think you know what you are doing research more.

It's good to ask questions. Just gotta have some knowledge before doing so.

Search function is your friend.

Might we ask your age and training experience?

But just like Mands said, it does not sound like you are ready for AAS just yet.
Scratch that, I see that you are 21.

I highly recommend that you wait a few years before starting AAS, at the very least you have a lot of research to do before you start. Nobody here is going to spoon feed you, properly using AAS takes a lot of commitment in my opinion and if you don't have the motivation to at least do all of the necessary research, then you have no business using AAS.
A couple things first..

How long have you been lifting?

Do you even know what ester of testosterone you are planning on taking?
Hi jabrel3
I want to take cidotestone it is from Egypt I'm not 100 percent sure I have been gyming it on and off now for 4 years I stRted at 73kg and at my peak without steriods I got to about 82 kg had a nice size and was fairly ripted have got back into it now .
Thanks a lot


I will say this again, my first and foremost advice to you is NOT to do this cycle just yet. It will benefit you greatly to wait a year or two and lift your butt off in preparation for your first cycle. The shelf life of the test if kept in a cool dry place will be over 3 years so there should be no problem saving it for later. It is clear from your post that you have not taken the time to research the drugs that you are planning on taking. These drugs can have permanent and life altering consequences and you must be prepared to deal with them.

On the other hand, I made the mistake of using AAS even younger than you, so because of that I am willing to give you a little guidance if you refuse to heed advice. I will give you an idea of what you should do, BUT, first I want you to read read read, then come back and tell me what your are planning on taking for your AI on cycle and what dosage. Also tell me what SERM you will use for how long and how much you will take. Give me this and I will take a look at it and give you my opinion. The first thing you need to do though is find out what ester testosterone you have, I am guessing it is cypionate based on the name, but that is a guess and you need to be sure.

And one last time I will tell you, DO NOT, take this cycle! It is extremely clear that you have a lot of learning to do. Learning that is essential to your ability to use AAS without permanently damaging yourself!
man dont start if you dont know what youre doing and are confused just read this board more and youll learn quick
I am going to run a cycle of cidotestone , a type of test from Egypt 3/4 ml a week
What pct will I need and how much , I have been told I defently need anastrol or clomid and nolvadex and something for your balls lol
I am very confused and do not want to start until I have everything ! Also I have no clue where to get any of this from some one help !!!
Thanks guys

Dude you're going to fuck yourself up. Like everyone said you're still way too young, your body is still growing and you can do a lot of damage. You need to do way more research and at least get a slight understanding of what you plan to do when you are 25 and older.