Need new injection spots


New Member
I know I'm going to get shit for this because of how much it's been gone over BUT it seems like opinions vary from one "expert" to the next.
I recently had to stop pinning glutes which has been the only place I've ever used. DHB gave me some golf ball sized lumps which may take a while to go away. NP at urgent care said not infected and the only thing I can do is give it time.
I plan on hitting delts now and got some 27g 1/2 in for them. I'll warm them up with some little cyp shots and work up from there. But I need more sites for eod shots. People here seem to love quads but Dave Palumbo swears against them and endorces glutes, delts and lats (which seems like it would be hard to do correctly).
I've tried to find VG but again there's seemingly contradictory information on how to locate it.
Then some people seem to do small shots with slin pins basically anywhere they can slam it. It gets confusing....
I know I'm going to get shit for this because of how much it's been gone over BUT it seems like opinions vary from one "expert" to the next.
I recently had to stop pinning glutes which has been the only place I've ever used. DHB gave me some golf ball sized lumps which may take a while to go away. NP at urgent care said not infected and the only thing I can do is give it time.
I plan on hitting delts now and got some 27g 1/2 in for them. I'll warm them up with some little cyp shots and work up from there. But I need more sites for eod shots. People here seem to love quads but Dave Palumbo swears against them and endorces glutes, delts and lats (which seems like it would be hard to do correctly).
I've tried to find VG but again there's seemingly contradictory information on how to locate it.
Then some people seem to do small shots with slin pins basically anywhere they can slam it. It gets confusing....
What are your stats?
Vg is easy to find when you sit down. Say on the toilet (cover down). With me it is very obvious and bulges from my body.
VG, Quads, Delts, Pecs

Nothing wrong with Quads if you pin the correct area (upper quadrant towards the side) nice large muscle
Make sure you inject your DHB with Test and whatever other compounds, not just by itself and warming it before injection helps also
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ok bro im an expert on this shit so listen to what im about to say. DO NOT inject anymore of that DHB the shit is bad and will fuck up your muscle. Also dave is talking about hitting the IT band or outside part of the quad, when hitting quads take your hand and rest your palm against your hip bone and where ever your middle finger ends thats the area you want to hit just more outter slighly. a pro nurse told me this she is pro at injecting shit so you know its true. and google seach how to inject quads if you want a visiual, (its ehen you go to low and to outter on quads you can hit nerves) . but bro this area is great for injections its alwayss smooth for me never have any PIP and its just works well. I notice if you shoot large amounts over 2 cc dont hit delts unless your delts are like mine or macwildcats. even then if feels achy for a bit after. But please man find a better source so you dont have knots that can ruin a muslce and make it not able to take shots anymore. lats are a great optino too if you are small enough to reach around your chest to hit them. some guys like traps. just do a google search theres good articles on this
ok bro im an expert on this shit so listen to what im about to say. DO NOT inject anymore of that DHB the shit is bad and will fuck up your muscle. Also dave is talking about hitting the IT band or outside part of the quad, when hitting quads take your hand and rest your palm against your hip bone and where ever your middle finger ends thats the area you want to hit just more outter slighly. a pro nurse told me this she is pro at injecting shit so you know its true. and google seach how to inject quads if you want a visiual, (its ehen you go to low and to outter on quads you can hit nerves) . but bro this area is great for injections its alwayss smooth for me never have any PIP and its just works well. I notice if you shoot large amounts over 2 cc dont hit delts unless your delts are like mine or macwildcats. even then if feels achy for a bit after. But please man find a better source so you dont have knots that can ruin a muslce and make it not able to take shots anymore. lats are a great optino too if you are small enough to reach around your chest to hit them. some guys like traps. just do a google search theres good articles on this
My source is very well known and has a stellar rep. I think my body is just rejecting the dhb for whatever reason. I've done 2ml shots into my glutes multiple times a week with his shit in the past and never had issues. And it was already mixed, they were cyp/dhb blend vials. I think what I'll do is play around with different areas and just do like .2 or .3 shots and see what happens. But I'm stressing because I'm planning a winter bulk which will need 2ml eod shots so I definitely need to get some new spots. Thanks for the info on the quads bro I appreciate it.
When do you think glutes will be good? Just wait till the lumps go away? I bought a massage gun and I'm zapping the shit out of it with that and it's hard to tell but I think it's working a little
29. 5, 8 173 last time I checked. About 15% bf, leanest I've been in my life
Check out that link I posted. Gives good recommendations on max quantities for specific muscles (cc). You probably would be ok with 2cc for mid delts. I do 3cc mid delt without issue. Front delt no more then 2cc.
I started I injecting quads recently to give my glutes a break, and it's been great. I guess I'm hitting them about 3/4 of the way up from my knee to the crease in my hip while sitting, right in the front. Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional.
My source is very well known and has a stellar rep. I think my body is just rejecting the dhb for whatever reason. I've done 2ml shots into my glutes multiple times a week with his shit in the past and never had issues. And it was already mixed, they were cyp/dhb blend vials. I think what I'll do is play around with different areas and just do like .2 or .3 shots and see what happens. But I'm stressing because I'm planning a winter bulk which will need 2ml eod shots so I definitely need to get some new spots. Thanks for the info on the quads bro I appreciate it.
When do you think glutes will be good? Just wait till the lumps go away? I bought a massage gun and I'm zapping the shit out of it with that and it's hard to tell but I think it's working a little
if it was me id wait till there is no lump or anything hard when you push in on the lump once the muscle has fully got rid of that lump
I started I injecting quads recently to give my glutes a break, and it's been great. I guess I'm hitting them about 3/4 of the way up from my knee to the crease in my hip while sitting, right in the front. Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional.
yup this is the best spot to inject i never have issues and the tissue seems to be softer here the needle just slides in. Also bro if you havent played arond with needle size make sure you are goig deep enough they make a needle that is 25g 5/8 in it in between 1/2 and 1 in and this needle size works well for me. you have to bury it tho to get it deep enough and if you have a good amount of bodyfat id say go for the 1 in. I have a problem going deep i just am weird man i can jab that 5/8in no problem but when i use a 1 in i fucking have a hard time jabbing it and i jab my needles it i dont push them in i kind of just quickly but gently jab them in. Now not saying i havent used the 27g 1//2in i have used this needle size with good results but i think if youre injecting a compound that causes pip id want to go deeper. Whats the concentration of that dhb?
yup this is the best spot to inject i never have issues and the tissue seems to be softer here the needle just slides in. Also bro if you havent played arond with needle size make sure you are goig deep enough they make a needle that is 25g 5/8 in it in between 1/2 and 1 in and this needle size works well for me. you have to bury it tho to get it deep enough and if you have a good amount of bodyfat id say go for the 1 in. I have a problem going deep i just am weird man i can jab that 5/8in no problem but when i use a 1 in i fucking have a hard time jabbing it and i jab my needles it i dont push them in i kind of just quickly but gently jab them in. Now not saying i havent used the 27g 1//2in i have used this needle size with good results but i think if youre injecting a compound that causes pip id want to go deeper. Whats the concentration of that dhb?
Wait so are you hitting the top or the outside of the quad?
Wait so are you hitting the top or the outside of the quad?
i kind of go back and forth so when i inject i shoot eod and i rotate between upper quad and, delt, and sometimes glutes but i ruined my glutes because i did what you did and kept injecting in the glutes after it would heal and its not just a lot of scar tissue. depending on how much youve hit the glutes this might be the reason why you are having lumps. anyway so i will go back and forth but you can hit it right on the top if you wanted. It just depends whats more comfotbale for you the nurse showed me she said she hits it right beloew her middle finger once she finds the hip bone.
Thats why i said if you keep shooting gear that gives you lumps you can ruin the muscle becase of scar tissue and its a bitch to shoot and eventually you cant. so just be carful man if you get a lump thats that bad you should toss that bottle and def dont shoot it again you should never get lumps that nurse told me you sholuld never have lumps if youre shooting good drugs and youre doing it right you should never get a lump llike that only pip is normal for some drugs
Thats why i said if you keep shooting gear that gives you lumps you can ruin the muscle becase of scar tissue and its a bitch to shoot and eventually you cant. so just be carful man if you get a lump thats that bad you should toss that bottle and def dont shoot it again you should never get lumps that nurse told me you sholuld never have lumps if youre shooting good drugs and youre doing it right you should never get a lump llike that only pip is normal for some drugs
Yeah I tossed everything and source was actually really cool and is sending me some shit for free to replace it. I noticed after about 3 weeks of the dhb so I'm hoping I caught it early enough that the damage isn't too bad.
Yeah I tossed everything and source was actually really cool and is sending me some shit for free to replace it. I noticed after about 3 weeks of the dhb so I'm hoping I caught it early enough that the damage isn't too bad.
thats good keep messaging it i would do heat and then message pretty hard and sometimes id put baby oil on my ass and ask my ex girl to massage it . im curious what was the concentration?