61yo ,234lbs, not lean but not fat. Im currently on 280mg per week of Test 400, and 150mg per week of Deca. I also take 4iu of HGH daily. Testosterone is greater than 1500 and everything is in the normal/good range with the exception of HDL which is 25, SHBG is 10.1 and my estradiol is a whooping 121 (never been that high)! Looking for advice to help the numbers.
I have Adex and nolva available to take, just not sure which would be better and at what dose, so looking for advice.
I take fish oil and eat clean for the HDL so not sure what I can do for it.
Any help is appreciated.
I have Adex and nolva available to take, just not sure which would be better and at what dose, so looking for advice.
I take fish oil and eat clean for the HDL so not sure what I can do for it.
Any help is appreciated.