

Which needle/syringe works best for yall? I like the luer lock and use BD precision 25 ga 5/8 for delts and 23 ga 1 inch for glutes. Just wondering what else is out there as far as brand wise. Originally started with brandzig Amazon needles and ditched those for BD.
Ideally drawing with a larger needle, size numerically lower like an 18 G is best .

Switching needle to a thinner diameter, larger number is the final step. 1" 25g work great, for more oil placed deeper in a glute 23 g1 1/2 perfect.

I like luer locks, Bad and Terumo pins

My favorite needle hack for adjustable to any lengths;20230510_082807.jpg
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Damn 23g 1” sounds like a whale harpoon! I draw up with one of those and back fill a batch of 27g 1/2” for glutes or delts. I’m by no means shredded and that’s still long enough to go through and fat on my glutes. I’ve messed with large needles for my very first cycle, but I blast and cruise now so I figure the smaller the needle, the less scar tissue I’m creating over time.
Has anyone had any issues with the 27g ? Also I was under the impression that if it is in the glute it had to be at least 1 ince.
It literally depends on your personal prefference. If you dont do very high volume cycles you can literally pin with insulin syringes ed subq. You dont get as high peaks but your levels are gonna be infinitely more stable compared to IM. And you dont have to abuse AI this way ;)
I use vial adapters to draw with. They are great if you are running more than one compound . I pin ed so I can use a 1ml syringe. The difference In how easily it goes in compared to a 3ml syringe is night and day. You barely have to apply any pressure. I go 1.5 in 25g in glutes and quads and 1in 25g in delts . I don't get the whole subq injection for oil. Oil is meant for intermusclar since before time. Subq is fine for thinner compounds like peptides . I feel for me it's important to get the medicine deep down in the muscle. Does anyone know of a 1.5 or 2ml syringe that has a small barrel like a 1ml syringe??
I have heard many opinions on what size. Most say it has to be 1"+... but I'm using 27g 1/2" in my thighs with zero issues. Definitely getting IM this way
Has anyone had any issues with the 27g ? Also I was under the impression that if it is in the glute it had to be at least 1 ince.
No, it doesnt have to be 1 inch. Just do the outter upper glute obviously or the ventro glute... half inch is absolutely fine