Ordered Tren A and Cyp from Neo. Arrived incredibly quickly. Pinned the Tren when my last bottle of Juicepal's went dry. Light in color, extremely clear, as well as the cyp, both as clear as the ocean in pictures, or if one is familiar, as clear as a glacier lake. Tren into delt, zero PIP. Zero. Even other brewers that use MCT have had a bit of PIP, guess I'm sensitive but Neo's has zero. Next pin will be bicep, that's a big test for PIP personally. Overall, im pleased, only complaints I can forsee would be,
Labels. Very generic, a lot of guys hook up their gym buddies, the labels can sway the uneducated.
I personally prefer a better crimp, that doesn't look like a vice grip clamped it shut.
Positives absolutely out weight that BS though, it's 12ML bottles ffs at a less than 10ml price in some cases. Neo is incredibly fast at shipping and answering, to the point where I had changed my mind about the cyp as I found that I have a lot, but it was already sent before payment. I had to make a second payment to keep things above board, if I didn't I'd consider myself a shill.
I absolutely recommend dealing with Neo, his compounds are like a desirable diamond, completely clear, no flaws, no floater, no BS just straight business.
Thanks Neo, you'll be hearing from me again sir!