New cycle pct help


New Member
Been gathering info and confused on pct any help would be awesome so I don't Jack my boys up.
1-10 125mg test c 2xweek 250mg week total
2-10 100mg tren e eod
Wait 2 weeks after last pinn start nova/cloimd

So I was hoping not to use hcg because I can't figure out for sure if I will get poped for it in a random drug test I'm a trucker. So any help or info regarding this cycle would be awesome.
I find it ironic your "concerned" about getting "popped" for HCG which along with Testosterone are legally prescribed medications, BUT the same does not apply to Tren which is ILLEGAL, unless your one of a few Chinese ungulates approved for human consumption.

Oh and incidentally I've done a few Texas DPS required trucker exams over the years and none required AAS and certainly not HCG screening.

But the testing of those substances that "enable wakefulness", from pseudo ephedrine to meth, utilize a very low screening threshold, so don't go there or I can promise you will get nailed sooner or later!

I don't know but there is something about an 18 wheeler with a "full load" traveling 65mph slamming into one of those new "mini cars" that just scares folk.
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Oh and the testing for those substances that could make one "drowsy" from BENADRYL to HYDROCODONE (even if physician prescribed) to ETOH have similarly LOW screening thresholds!
Thank you for the commit. So just to clarify if I got what your saying is watch what is going into my body due to the low threshold screening. But the hcg and aas(aka tren and test) there's no problem. I under stand it's a 5pannel test and no I don't do any mind altering substances. Just a gym rat really
Been gathering info and confused on pct any help would be awesome so I don't Jack my boys up.
1-10 125mg test c 2xweek 250mg week total
2-10 100mg tren e eod
Wait 2 weeks after last pinn start nova/cloimd

So I was hoping not to use hcg because I can't figure out for sure if I will get poped for it in a random drug test I'm a trucker. So any help or info regarding this cycle would be awesome.
Not sure why you would pin Tren E every other day. Tren E is a long ester. But all your questions can be answered if you go through the threads. I hope this isent your first cycle if your going to try tren. there's some guys on here that really know what they are taking about especially @Dr JIM so you should listen. Get blood work done. Btw @Dr JIM love reading your posts. Has me laughing all the time. I haven't said anything dumb enough yet to where you tell me how wrong I am. I sure I'll say something dumb sooner or later and you'll get me for it.
This is first cycle with tren and I do appreciate the help I don't know tons about it but smart enough to ask. I know tren is long eastr but didn't think you take it in 1 shot. Yes I do listen and there is tons of info thought I had it right guess not glad I asked.
This is first cycle with tren and I do appreciate the help I don't know tons about it but smart enough to ask. I know tren is long eastr but didn't think you take it in 1 shot. Yes I do listen and there is tons of info thought I had it right guess not glad I asked.
No worries.
Revised cycle plans thx for help what you think. Need to add hcg tho

1-12 Test c 250 x 2 wkly. mon. & thur.
1-10 Tren E 200 x 1 wkly. mon.


wks: 16 - 20 Clomid 50/25/25/25, Nolva 40/20/20/20