New guy doing some research


New Member
I'm a little math and science illiterate. I am planning on a var/test cycle and I am almost completely in educated in the matter I've posted a few threads trying to get info on every aspect. Is there and pre or post cycle required for these if so what? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Pre as in preparing for a cycle? And post as recovering I assume you mean?

The only pre preparations you can make is getting blood work done and making sure everything is in check within normal levels before you begin. Post it's a whole different drug science. Clomid, hcg, nolvadex. There's tons of info in this section regarding that subject.
Yeah I did some more research I'm going to do a post of clomid and nolva in a few weeks I plan to start my cycle. I'll let y'all know how it all goes. Thanks for the information.