New Guy here- Doc wants to be me on a test script


New Member
What’s up dudes, been lurking here for some time and wanted to start to add to the discussion. Not gonna pretend like I’m coursed in any of this stuff so here goes:

Recently, after getting some bloodwork through my primary care physician I’ve discovered my tests levels in the lower range and after discussing it with my physician, they’ve suggested to put me on a “testosterone shot.”

After asking to elaborate what this means, I was basically told I would be given a take home vial of test with instructions of dosage/usage. This was towards the end of my online appointment so things were a bit rushed and I was told we’d follow up on it in about 2 weeks.

Just curious as to what I should expect to receive as a prescription as this is outside of a TRT clinic.
It really depends on the doctor. A smart one will start you out low and titrate up. Maybe 100mg/week. TRT clinics, on the other hand, will do the opposite. Matrix Hormones likes starting people off around 160-180. I personally think it's better to start low and work your way up, less chance of sides.
It really depends on the doctor. A smart one will start you out low and titrate up. Maybe 100mg/week. TRT clinics, on the other hand, will do the opposite. Matrix Hormones likes starting people off around 160-180. I personally think it's better to start low and work your way up, less chance of sides.
A friend of mine told me to expect a prescription of either cyp or prop, is this accurate?
I'm kinda surprised your doc wrote you a prescription. "Normal" range is 250 to around 1100. You must have a good doctor. Hopefully your insurance won't balk since you're not technically under range. How old are you?
I'm kinda surprised your doc wrote you a prescription. "Normal" range is 250 to around 1100. You must have a good doctor. Hopefully your insurance won't balk since you're not technically under range. How old are you?
24 but I’ve had low test and fatigue/sleep and energy problems for a while now. I’m a recovering opiate addict so I kind of crushed my T in my younger days
What’s up dudes, been lurking here for some time and wanted to start to add to the discussion. Not gonna pretend like I’m coursed in any of this stuff so here goes:

Recently, after getting some bloodwork through my primary care physician I’ve discovered my tests levels in the lower range and after discussing it with my physician, they’ve suggested to put me on a “testosterone shot.”

After asking to elaborate what this means, I was basically told I would be given a take home vial of test with instructions of dosage/usage. This was towards the end of my online appointment so things were a bit rushed and I was told we’d follow up on it in about 2 weeks.

Just curious as to what I should expect to receive as a prescription as this is outside of a TRT clinic.
Consider yourself blessed to have a doctor write a script for injections, let's hope the dose is enough to truly get you to normal levels. Some can't get scripts, some still get testosterone pellets or gel instead.
Consider yourself blessed to have a doctor write a script for injections, let's hope the dose is enough to truly get you to normal levels. Some can't get scripts, some still get testosterone pellets or gel instead.
Yes I definitely have realized through my limited online research that I should consider myself incredibly lucky. I actually know a guy who has a congenital condition that causes his body to produce 0 natural testosterone and all he gets is 50mg gel packs…