New Guy Intro

Grey Spartan

New Member
Hey MESO I'm Mike. I'm in my late 50's and have been on TRT for a little over 6 years. I took my first cycle in the late 80's. While deployed in Thailand, I walked past a pharmacy and asked the guy "What you have for big muscles". He sold me 320 tabs of Oxymetholone (God I love Thailand!). I had know idea what to do so I took 1 a day for a week then 2 a day for a week and eventually worked my way up to 5 a day for 5 weeks and worked my way back down. I went from 135 to 170. Unfortunately, my 3 mile run went from 16:45 to 18 min, but I could carry a shit-ton of gear the whole way. When I left the military I learned about Dan Duchaine, Bill Phillips and everything I could about AAS/PED and have been keeping my ear to the ground ever since. I believe nothing beats experimentation and observation. I have a few cycle stories I will share along with what I have learned and hope to learn more from everyone here.