New guy with new problem


New Member
Hey meso,

Joined the forums to largely get you guys
opinion on an issue I’ve never had before. I compete in the classic division and have been working to fill my weight cap out. On to my third cycle with almost no hiccups and great progress. Until now.

My source has always used cottonseed oil and I’ve NEVER had any sort of serious pip to speak of. Recently he swapped over to GSO and at first everything was decent. First two weeks had some small lumps that went away in a day or two and I didn’t think much of it. But starting the third week of my cruise (pinning very small amounts in glutes mind you) I’ve had lumps that take 5-6 days to go away and become slightly red and hotter to the touch. Feels like I got shot point blank with a fatass paintball. At first I thought infection but that didn’t make sense cus I had been pinning the same gear for weeks without too much issue. Source says no one else has been having any problems so far, so I can only assume allergy? What do you good ppl think?

I get blood work tomorrow so hopefully that gives me an indication of something as well.

Do you wipe the vial down everytime? Possibly contaminants were introduced to it. You've used this lab and carrier in the past?
Do you wipe the vial down everytime? Possibly contaminants were introduced to it. You've used this lab and carrier in the past?
I’ve sanitized the exact same way for the last year and a half and I make sure to always alcohol swab the top of the vial and my injection site. Have different needles for draw/pin as well.
I’ve sanitized the exact same way for the last year and a half and I make sure to always alcohol swab the top of the vial and my injection site. Have different needles for draw/pin as well.
Do you have any more with CSO? If so, try a pin of that again and see if there’s a difference or if it’s causing lumps.

Also, I believe I saw that GSO is thinner, so there’s a possibility you injected too fast and that’s what’s causing the lumps.
I had the same issue with Scott pharm test c. They came in amps. Every time they would hurt and cause a welt. I chucked them after the 4th pin. Switched to Odin pharm and it went away. Wasn’t the vial because they were amps. I suspected it was bad gear.
All the same, I'm inclined to believe that you get an infection with injections. Based on what I've read.