New here, big fan


New Member
Sup fellas, I've been lurking around here for a few weeks and I realized that its recommended new members should introduce themselves.

I've been reading a lot of stuff on this forum over the last few weeks and there's a great wealth of information, learning a ton! Love how there's extremely knowledgeable members here that could charge for the quality of the information they put out, and they just seem to post here for the love of the game.

A bit about me, I'm 27, and just trying to get lean while building some muscle. I got into pretty good shape in my early 20s and lost my way and got fat over the last 18 months.

Currently on Reta and TRT of 140mg. Just trying to get sub 15% BF. Nothing fancy. Tried 2iu/day GH for a month for the lipolysis benefits, I felt good on it, but the water retention made it harder to get a good scale reading so I pulled it.

Down the line when my body composition is dialed in, I'd like to try an actual cycle of higher test + a mild oral like var or tbol to test the waters, but I'm doing great with what I'm doing now, just losing ~2.5lbs/wk, training EOD with a basic PPL program.
Sup fellas, I've been lurking around here for a few weeks and I realized that its recommended new members should introduce themselves.

I've been reading a lot of stuff on this forum over the last few weeks and there's a great wealth of information, learning a ton! Love how there's extremely knowledgeable members here that could charge for the quality of the information they put out, and they just seem to post here for the love of the game.

A bit about me, I'm 27, and just trying to get lean while building some muscle. I got into pretty good shape in my early 20s and lost my way and got fat over the last 18 months.

Currently on Reta and TRT of 140mg. Just trying to get sub 15% BF. Nothing fancy. Tried 2iu/day GH for a month for the lipolysis benefits, I felt good on it, but the water retention made it harder to get a good scale reading so I pulled it.

Down the line when my body composition is dialed in, I'd like to try an actual cycle of higher test + a mild oral like var or tbol to test the waters, but I'm doing great with what I'm doing now, just losing ~2.5lbs/wk, training EOD with a basic PPL program.
Welcome to MESO!