New here, too


New Member
Hey -
Female here who's passed the 1/2 century mark. I've been using GLP-1s for 6 months to lose weight and now I'm trying to learn more about other peptides to help with other aches and pains.
I'm looking forward to learning from other members here.
Hello, welcome. All i want to add is that, in my experience, once you start playing around with pharmaceuticals, you get really comfortable with treating and looking through everything with a pharmacological framework. I for one had to take a step back a few times, to start fixing the root causes of my problems, and not just mask symptoms with more pharmaceutials. Might not be relevant to you at all, but i was just reminded when i saw this post. That said, you are probably looking for peptides like tb-500 and bpc-157 which reportedly work great for some people, but i have never noticed any significant relief from it
Hello, welcome. All i want to add is that, in my experience, once you start playing around with pharmaceuticals, you get really comfortable with treating and looking through everything with a pharmacological framework. I for one had to take a step back a few times, to start fixing the root causes of my problems, and not just mask symptoms with more pharmaceutials. Might not be relevant to you at all, but i was just reminded when i saw this post. That said, you are probably looking for peptides like tb-500 and bpc-157 which reportedly work great for some people, but i have never noticed any significant relief from it
Ding ding! You guessed it. I've been trying those for less than a week and am waiting for the relief to kick in.
I'm not sure if it will work or not, but giving it a whirl.
I also have shop issue that might need surgery, so I'm being realistic about my expectation.
Thanks for the feedback!
Ding ding! You guessed it. I've been trying those for less than a week and am waiting for the relief to kick in.
I'm not sure if it will work or not, but giving it a whirl.
I also have shop issue that might need surgery, so I'm being realistic about my expectation.
Thanks for the feedback!
Um .. a hip issue, that is.