Your Top 5 Fav Steroids


Well-known Member
This is just for fun thread to see what steroids you guys like the most. Maybe we will see some interesting choices or rare stuff. No judgement, no fighting, no drama. Just your list of steroids that makes you excited to run it again. Let's get going.

*Please list only steroids, not some other drugs such as hgh, insulin, sarms and etc...

My top 5 steroids:
1. Testosterone C/E
2. Dbol
3. Equipoise
4. Anavar
5. Primobolan
1) Test
2) Mast
3) Tren
4) Var
5) (not a steroid, but GH)

Probably going to add in EQ soon though, the itch is growing
Test C/P/U
primo E
Mast E/P

I want to like EQ, have trouble dialing it in. Maybe try again in the fall.
This is just for fun thread to see what steroids you guys like the most. Maybe we will see some interesting choices or rare stuff. No judgement, no fighting, no drama. Just your list of steroids that makes you excited to run it again. Let's get going.

*Please list only steroids, not some other drugs such as hgh, insulin, sarms and etc...

My top 5 steroids:
1. Testosterone C/E
2. Dbol
3. Equipoise
4. Anavar
5. Primobolan
What’s so good about EQ?
300 mg of test a week is all i need and am happy with it

I built my base with other compounds but test is still king to me

best blast and I ever ran was 750 test, 600 eq, 125 tren
looked insane on it