I don't care what anyone says, dbol is nowhere as potent (it doesn't even feel the same) as the old-school Russian Dbol from the 90's. Test and 2-3 (5mg dbol) was crazy strong and pumped the whole day, 20+years later I tried dbol again with TRT 200+ and no matter what source I get it from I can take 25-35mg and I actually get weaker at the gym and a headache, the pump is ok. I get better strength and pump from 5-10 anavar. Somebody posted a year or so ago that all UGL dbol raws come from China which is why all brands are weak shit...not saying that is true..just saying something is up with dbol. If some UGL could recreate Russian Dbol they would be printing money.Test
Dbol used to be much higher on my list but idk wtf happened I ran dbol recently and didn’t respond well.