Your Top 5 Fav Steroids

Most people like masteron, why? Is it because of how it makes you feel, e2 management or cosmetic effect?
Kind of a combination of feels and cosmetic effects. It also helps clog up the estrogen receptors, making it more difficult for estrogen to bind

But it makes the muscles look harder at low bf%, increases vascularity, and reduces water retention while making you look dry.

It's really that dry, hard look that makes masteron incredible.
tren ace

only other compounds I tried were npp and deca but they destroyed my skin

was too scared to try mast and primo cause of hair loss
This is just for fun thread to see what steroids you guys like the most. Maybe we will see some interesting choices or rare stuff. No judgement, no fighting, no drama. Just your list of steroids that makes you excited to run it again. Let's get going.

*Please list only steroids, not some other drugs such as hgh, insulin, sarms and etc...

My top 5 steroids:
1. Testosterone C/E
2. Dbol
3. Equipoise
4. Anavar
5. Primobolan
I thought you’d rank EQ higher actually. Know you like that shit.

1. Halo
2. Anadrol
3. Tren E/H
4. Test Suspension > Test E/C (sorry kinda slid in an extra one)
5. Var
I thought you’d rank EQ higher actually. Know you like that shit.

1. Halo
2. Anadrol
3. Tren E/H
4. Test Suspension > Test E/C (sorry kinda slid in an extra one)
5. Var
Hey man, good to see you posting.

I did rank it higher in the past, mainly due to it's negative effect on kidneys I decided to pass it. Cosmetically speaking I love it of course. I appreciate moderate Testosterone dosages now more than ever since I'm successfully battling blood pressure issues currently.
I thought you’d rank EQ higher actually. Know you like that shit.

1. Halo
2. Anadrol
3. Tren E/H
4. Test Suspension > Test E/C (sorry kinda slid in an extra one)
5. Var
How’s the halo and tren hex?? I’ve never ran either of them. I honestly haven’t read enough on the to want to try them but from what I’ve heard they’re both great compounds. And I LOVE TRENNNN
How’s the halo and tren hex?? I’ve never ran either of them. I honestly haven’t read enough on the to want to try them but from what I’ve heard they’re both great compounds. And I LOVE TRENNNN
Tren Hex for me is a bit of conspicuous consumption — part of the attraction is that it’s like Parabolan. In practice, physiologically, it’s basically expensive Tren E.

Halo is fantastic but also pricy. It potently boosts strength a la neural drive. But these two, trenbolone and fluoxymesterone, are particularly harsh on lipids and BP.

Halo is very rapid acting and you feel the boost quickly. It’s half life is only about 9.5 h.

But people think Halo is totally crazy without basis. It’s prescribed at 40 mg daily for Addison’s Disease in 4 split doses (10 mg every 3 — 5 h) year-round.
Tren Hex for me is a bit of conspicuous consumption — part of the attraction is that it’s like Parabolan. In practice, physiologically, it’s basically expensive Tren E.

Halo is fantastic but also pricy. It potently boosts strength a la neural drive. But these two, trenbolone and fluoxymesterone, are particularly harsh on lipids and BP.

Halo is very rapid acting and you feel the boost quickly. It’s half life is only about 9.5 h.

But people think Halo is totally crazy without basis. It’s prescribed at 40 mg daily for Addison’s Disease in 4 split doses (10 mg every 3 — 5 h) year-round.
So basically just stick with the tren e, there isn’t a huge noticeable difference in results? I’m not sure I understand what your saying halo does exactly. Could you explain in your experience running a cycle of it does exactly.
My top:
1. Test - overall well being & size (sust if I'm consistent with multiple pins)
2. Proviron - mood, libido, vascularity...I like it in lieu of Mast
3. Epistane - haven't had it in years, but worked well with my body (sides to rewards ratio)
4. Var - vascularity, strength, clean pumps/fullness, no insane increase in BP for me

Tren/Superdrol - don't like to tolerate the negative mental/gastro sides now that I'm older...but hands down, the most effective compounds in terms of looks/strength. Would both be at the top of my list years ago.
EQ - increased my load capacity over time, no negatives really
Tbol, Drol, Dbol- headaches/BP sides across dosages
Mast - think I mainly added it to a majority of cycles as an aid, but eventually dropped it and didn't really miss it thereafter

Trying Primo later this year...hope I love it as much as my top 4