Your Top 5 Fav Steroids

Most people like masteron, why? Is it because of how it makes you feel, e2 management or cosmetic effect?
Kind of a combination of feels and cosmetic effects. It also helps clog up the estrogen receptors, making it more difficult for estrogen to bind

But it makes the muscles look harder at low bf%, increases vascularity, and reduces water retention while making you look dry.

It's really that dry, hard look that makes masteron incredible.
Most people like masteron, why? Is it because of how it makes you feel, e2 management or cosmetic effect?
Greek god look, good mood, less gyno risk, less water retention, thin skin, more veiny look, CNS boost, can be dosed really high...(lose your hair and look like an old man)
I’m sick of all you peasants!! Everyone knows
This is just for fun thread to see what steroids you guys like the most. Maybe we will see some interesting choices or rare stuff. No judgement, no fighting, no drama. Just your list of steroids that makes you excited to run it again. Let's get going.

*Please list only steroids, not some other drugs such as hgh, insulin, sarms and etc...

My top 5 steroids:
1. Testosterone C/E
2. Dbol
3. Equipoise
4. Anavar
5. Primobolan
I thought you’d rank EQ higher actually. Know you like that shit.

1. Halo
2. Anadrol
3. Tren E/H
4. Test Suspension > Test E/C (sorry kinda slid in an extra one)
5. Var
I thought you’d rank EQ higher actually. Know you like that shit.

1. Halo
2. Anadrol
3. Tren E/H
4. Test Suspension > Test E/C (sorry kinda slid in an extra one)
5. Var
Hey man, good to see you posting.

I did rank it higher in the past, mainly due to it's negative effect on kidneys I decided to pass it. Cosmetically speaking I love it of course. I appreciate moderate Testosterone dosages now more than ever since I'm successfully battling blood pressure issues currently.