New lady here


New Member
Hi I’m 36 yo female looking to start a cycle. I’m here to learn and I’m open to advice. I’ve used peptides and physician prescribed testosterone over the last year. I’m looking for more growth. I’m interested in anavar and winstrol. I’m 5-5 132lbs, approximately 22-26% body fat, my macros are P40% C40% F20% I lift 5 days a week. Ready to learn and earn the body of my dreams!
Welcome! Check out the Women's Forum if you want particular attention to female issues (virtually every question you might have since we are dealing with male hormones, androgens).

Few men here, very few, know the particularities of female issues.
Welcome! This board is a bro scene but there are some very knowledgeable women here. They are who you want to connect with.