New Member Hello from South FL!


New Member
Hey everyone! It’s taken awhile to find this place. It feels like trying to find a community to ask questions and learn more about AAS as a lifestyle choice is kind of like trying to find that really awesome speakeasy no one wants to give up.

I’m 43, single dad to an amazing girl. Started the kid game late so now I need to enhance my dad performance.

My history is I started TRT a little over a year ago. Always been an athlete, never dabbled in PEDs. I experimented with peptides CJC/Ipamorellin, BPC 157 and TB500 after a ju jitsu injury and it helped a ton.

Like I said I am completely new to this. I have close friends who have been utilizing AAS for quite some time and they’ve provided some guidance but I’ve realized there is no one size fits all answer to any question, so many of my questions will sound “stupid” to those of you who are well versed in this world. Kind of like a white belt asking questions at his first day of BJJ training lol

My first cycle was planned out as below. The reasoning behind it came from asking questions of others, and trying to sort through reputable YouTube guys. (Happy to provide who I’ve been watching to get thoughts)

Test 250-350mg /wk (thought was to start lower first) Split into two injections.

Anavar 50mg/ day split 25mg pre/post workout (real anavar Janoshik tested)

Primo E 400mg-700mg/week, 3 injections per week, started at the very low range being new. This is what I have heard was the lowest effective dose, but also heard 400mg actually won’t do much? (It is real primo, Janoshik tested)

GH daily Week 1-2 2ius, Week 4-6 4ius , and I’m not trying to compete in bodybuilding so I was curious if going higher with the GH makes sense past 4-6?

CJC/Ipamorellin before bed

Goal of cycle is to lean out and use what I’ve been told and read are the “milder” AAS supplements before jumping into anything else.

Glad to be here, and this probably isn’t the forum for all that info but they’re questions I’ll definitely be asking and welcoming constructive criticism since I’m a total noob!
Welcome New to the
Hey everyone! It’s taken awhile to find this place. It feels like trying to find a community to ask questions and learn more about AAS as a lifestyle choice is kind of like trying to find that really awesome speakeasy no one wants to give up.

I’m 43, single dad to an amazing girl. Started the kid game late so now I need to enhance my dad performance.

My history is I started TRT a little over a year ago. Always been an athlete, never dabbled in PEDs. I experimented with peptides CJC/Ipamorellin, BPC 157 and TB500 after a ju jitsu injury and it helped a ton.

Like I said I am completely new to this. I have close friends who have been utilizing AAS for quite some time and they’ve provided some guidance but I’ve realized there is no one size fits all answer to any question, so many of my questions will sound “stupid” to those of you who are well versed in this world. Kind of like a white belt asking questions at his first day of BJJ training lol

My first cycle was planned out as below. The reasoning behind it came from asking questions of others, and trying to sort through reputable YouTube guys. (Happy to provide who I’ve been watching to get thoughts)

Test 250-350mg /wk (thought was to start lower first) Split into two injections.

Anavar 50mg/ day split 25mg pre/post workout (real anavar Janoshik tested)

Primo E 400mg-700mg/week, 3 injections per week, started at the very low range being new. This is what I have heard was the lowest effective dose, but also heard 400mg actually won’t do much? (It is real primo, Janoshik tested)

GH daily Week 1-2 2ius, Week 4-6 4ius , and I’m not trying to compete in bodybuilding so I was curious if going higher with the GH makes sense past 4-6?

CJC/Ipamorellin before bed

Goal of cycle is to lean out and use what I’ve been told and read are the “milder” AAS supplements before jumping into anything else.

Glad to be here, and this probably isn’t the forum for all that info but they’re questions I’ll definitely be asking and welcoming constructive criticism since I’m a total noob!
Welcome. New to the forum also, but have a little dabbling experience with AAS
Welcome. Your in the right place for sure. I will let the more experienced guys chime in on your planned stack, but will give you my 2 cents from experience. I have not tried Primo or anavar but do have them on deck for a cycle starting Jan 1 2025. I would start the Test at least 350mg or you might not get the results your probably expecting. As far as the GH, I tried that in the early 90s and didn't notice anything worth pursuing again. The cost back then was also crazy. Good luck reaching your goals.