New Member; hello!


New Member
New member introducing himself:

58 year old fitness and health enthusiast. Mainly interested in doing some TRT with micro dosing testosterone, but also interested in peptides for injury healing and improving overall health and wellbeing.

Finding my test levels dropping as well as libido, energy and general motivation. Putting on muscle and making gains in the gym has been hard for the last few years, especially as I have had various injuries and surgeries (ACL reconstruction to left knew, decompression to right shoulder, left shoulder is suspect and had cortisone injections ). Due to have a inguinal hernia operation soon as well.... ( Plus my girlfriend is 31 so need to keep up with her needs ;) .....)

So researching what would be a good level of test to administer subcutaneously over a prolonged period, in the healthiest way. Have run some blood tests to find baseline levels and check other markers and was planning to rerun blood panel after 6 weeks of microdosing testosterone cypionate. Was thinking of starting at 50mg subq injections 3@week. Any advice on the subject welcome!

Started using BCP-157 peptide a few weeks ago but haven't noticed any obvious improvements to the various niggles but perhaps too soon to know if its working. Added ipamorelin recently, TB500 as well but this is very expensive so only using once a week.

Looking forward to doing some deep dives on the subject matter on here and seeing what other people are doing