New Member - Here to learn about peptides for injury recovery.


New Member
Hey Everyone,

I've joined this community to learn more about peptides specifically BPC-157 and TB500, as far as I know, those are the best for injury recovery. I am an endurance athlete so most of my days consist of knee pain, and shoulder pain, but mostly knee pain. I train for triathlons so every time I get injured It's a huge setback to my progression. I'm excited I discovered something that might help me with the issues I've been having, I'm also excited to learn about your experiences with peptides!

Welcome! You have came to the right place. Loads of useful information here. Just make sure to do your own research and not take what 1 guy says as truth. It’s just like reading reviews online for a product. Some people are just, well, stupid.

I’m new to MESO as well. I’ve followed this forum for years but just recently jumped in to join the community. I’ve probably read over 500 hours of articles and forum conversations. There is just so much to learn on MESO.

Are you a drug tested athlete? If so, I would stay away from the peptides even though they offer great recovery.

I just got done with my BPC157 and Tb500 program for a broken wrist. Surgery, pin in wrist, and hard cast. Damaged some ligaments and tendons too, range of motion was shit. I was out of the cast in 4 weeks. I’m 3 weeks out of the cast now and I’m already hitting close to normal weights in the gym. Range of motion is almost 100% and pain is all but completely gone. If you find the real peptides you can expect dramatic results. Well at least that was the case for me. Originally told I would be 100%in 6 months. I’m not even at 2 months yet and probably 90% recovered. Unreal.

Good luck with your search, I hope you find all of the information you’re looking for.