New member here


New Member
Joined a week or so ago. Main goal for joining is education and safety as I embark on my health journey after turning 50. I just got on TRT by doctor's order after a notoriously low count. Lots of years of poor health and major stress. I've chosen to tackle all of this by diving into diet, exercise and lifting. Been doing really well and am anticipating possibly doing more "supplements" in the next year. Maybe some peptides or something. Not sure yet. I have some experience with all of this in my younger days of college. I enjoyed it & was responsible. Only was active for a couple years but enjoyed my focus and health during that time. Now that I've got the funds and time to focus more on my health 30 yrs later I'm curious to see where it all takes me. Safety and health are my primary focus. Kinda along the lines of a Joe Rogan where education and smart choices guide me. Hoping this forum is a good place for my journey. Thanks folks!