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New Member
48, former athlete and climber (ice and mountaineering, low level rock). Been getting nowhere with working out, dealing with depression. I've used peptides quite a bit mainly for injury recovery (bpc157 and tb500). Got on testosterone 6 months ago, and its been a game changer. Back to my old self, getting decent gains for the work put in, sleeping better, way less depression and headaches. Looking forward to a solid place to source information and share experiences.
48, former athlete and climber (ice and mountaineering, low level rock). Been getting nowhere with working out, dealing with depression. I've used peptides quite a bit mainly for injury recovery (bpc157 and tb500). Got on testosterone 6 months ago, and its been a game changer. Back to my old self, getting decent gains for the work put in, sleeping better, way less depression and headaches. Looking forward to a solid place to source information and share experiences.
i too struggle with depression. Did you take any medication to aid with the depression? Was wondering if that would interfere/cause sides during a steroid cycle
i too struggle with depression. Did you take any medication to aid with the depression? Was wondering if that would interfere/cause sides during a steroid cycle
I tried a ton of ssri's and they did nothing but give me zero sexual feeling and one made me actually feel crazy. I have a lot of suicidal ideation, its like a song that I can't get out of my head. I think it comes from a lot of concussions when I raced dh mtb and a climbing accident I had where I was a 39% on our oxsat before I got put on oxygen. I stopped using anything to treat it and just dealt with it like I had for years before I decided to try and do something. In the past 6 months of trt and ipa/cjc use, those thoughts are down I'd guess somewhere around 75%. Could be that I'm hitting the gym a lot harder since recovery is so fast and that's having a big endorphin effect too. I do feel a lot of anxiety now when I can't get to the gym on schedule. I'll take that trade off.
I've also tried several antidepressant medications, as well as going on trt at the actual prescribed dose. I definitely felt more energy and less depressed when trt started (was around 250 ng/dl tested over several months) but didn't end up making drastic changes on the mental side until I started therapy.