New member intro

Hi everyone. 28M. Country inside the EU.
I've been doing sports since I'm 2yo (swimming), did a ton of other sports during childhood, then gym in my teenage years. Then study and work happened and I stopped sports. I started again about 3y ago. I have now a good physique and also good health practices.

My objective is more on the health side. Not longevity for the sake of just living longer, but to improve my quality of life and to feel well throughout.

I've been interested in nootropics to give me an edge at work and also at learning new stuff.

Now I want to experiment with peptides, starting with the "brain" ones, such as semax and cerebrolysin. I've already ordered Semax, let's see how it goes. I've read that some people had really great profound effects with these.
After these I also want to experiment with other peptides.

Next, as part of the feel good part, is hormones, which is extremely important.

I am not hypogonadal, but my test is at around 615, so it's not high either. Another thing is that I was always afraid of exogenous hormones and shutting down my natural T during my early 20s, but I'm realising that now is actually the perfect time to experiment. Before my 40s that is.
Therefore, I'd like to do some simple cycles, not to get huge, just to have a great "beach body".

After that, I want start TRT, to be high test and also for the nootropic benefits.
When I was a teen, I had this fierce unstoppable desire to accomplish stuff. And I did! I still do, but with less strength, if you know what I mean. I was also horny all day long and add some acne, so I need to be careful with that.

But yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you all.
Good luck but don’t expect too much. I haven’t tried the peptides you mentioned but I’ve tried others with supposed subjective benefits and have been unimpressed. Trt at your starting level might not do much. Make sure youre prepared for a life of needles and blood work.
Thanks for the answer!

What peptides have you tried?

Maybe I'll do a TRT+, I'll adjust it through blood tests. My idea is to be at 1000. Sooner or later I'll have to get used to the needles and shooting test. Some people say it's not that bad. Let's see, the idea now is to do some conscious experimentation.
Ive done ipamorelan / cjc1295 melanotan and l-Carnatine yeah not really a peptide. Love melanotan. The others haven’t been noticable to me but i think they have some small effect.
Thanks for the answer!

What peptides have you tried?

Maybe I'll do a TRT+, I'll adjust it through blood tests. My idea is to be at 1000. Sooner or later I'll have to get used to the needles and shooting test. Some people say it's not that bad. Let's see, the idea now is to do some conscious experimentation.
I realize your original message wasn't targeted at me but I've very much enjoyed igf1-lr3 with no sides and it certainly helped promote muscle growth from what I've seen.
I realize your original message wasn't targeted at me but I've very much enjoyed igf1-lr3 with no sides and it certainly helped promote muscle growth from what I've seen.
Hi, welcome too!
My problem with growth hormone is the risk for cancer growth. But I might try it once. People also swear by it for anti-aging and skin health. Who knows, I might turn into a teen again!