Pausing cycle while recovering from injuries


New Member
So currently am on a cycle of 500 test 250 primo.
Ended up getting a few different injuries

Bicep tendonitis
Sprained Rotator Cuff

sprained and maybe tornplantaris and poplitues

The dr wants me to take an anti inflamitory pill for 3 weeks and do PT

now the question I have is should I go back down to just a trt dose while doing PT?
something like 150 test

I've also thought about adding a low dose of NPP.
So currently am on a cycle of 500 test 250 primo.
Ended up getting a few different injuries

Bicep tendonitis
Sprained Rotator Cuff

sprained and maybe tornplantaris and poplitues

The dr wants me to take an anti inflamitory pill for 3 weeks and do PT

now the question I have is should I go back down to just a trt dose while doing PT?
something like 150 test

I've also thought about adding a low dose of NPP.
depends on the extent of the injury.

I get some tricep tendonitis when i have two push days in my training block. When it flairs up ill usually just pull back on the loads for a week to let it calm down and substitute to more offensive movements for ones that dont aggravate it as much. and then will crack on with my cycle.

if its something that cant be managed with some passive/active recovery methods and a deload week, something that will cause several weeks of missed or counterproductive training, then I just drop down to my cruise, which is 200mg of test only.

When i dislocated my rib, it took me completely out of the gym for a while, and then a couple weeks of limited training as it was recovering. when that happened i immediately dropped down to trt and put my attention and focus on the recovery.
So currently am on a cycle of 500 test 250 primo.
Ended up getting a few different injuries

Bicep tendonitis
Sprained Rotator Cuff

sprained and maybe tornplantaris and poplitues

The dr wants me to take an anti inflamitory pill for 3 weeks and do PT

now the question I have is should I go back down to just a trt dose while doing PT?
something like 150 test

I've also thought about adding a low dose of NPP.
I'm not on a blast, but actually have both of these problems right now. If you're hurting enough to not be able to lift hard, i'd drop down to a real TRT dose. High dose testosterone actually hurts tendon health.

IMO drop to trt, form a workout plan with PT that doesn't bother either, and run a bottle or two of BPC-157. Start back with your blast after things are feeling good for a few weeks. That would be the time to add some NPP into the blast.
chiming in to say that when i added tb500 to my bpc157 it made a noticeable difference
IMO drop to trt, form a workout plan with PT that doesn't bother either, and run a bottle or two of BPC-157. Start back with your blast after things are feeling good for a few weeks. That would be the time to add some NPP into the blast.
Agree with dropping to TRT

What are you doing with your training to cause all of these injuries though? Are you ego lifting?
I’d also recommend going to see a massage therapist, chiropractor, or some other professional that has experience with chronic and acute weight lifting injuries. I’ve had biceps tendonosis/bursitis flare ups multiple times and I’ve done the RICE treatment, stretching, and even a cortisone shot once but nothing has been as immediately effective as visiting an Active Release practitioner. It is excruciating but 2 days after I feel incredible. I’m sure any soft tissue specialist, my fascia release, etc will be able bit help but give it a shot. Then for the preventative side, I highly recommend finding a deep tissue massage therapist that is patient and strong. A deep tissue massage as often as you can afford works wonders.
Agree with dropping to TRT

What are you doing with your training to cause all of these injuries though? Are you ego lifting?
Injuries were caused from living and sports, I beat the shit out of my body growing and was always told I'd feel it when I am older, and yep its caught up to me. I've had 2 shoulder surgeries on my right side, and hernias fixed on both sides. no cartlige left in my knees. These last 2 injuries were worsened from baseball and hauling hay.
I’d also recommend going to see a massage therapist, chiropractor, or some other professional that has experience with chronic and acute weight lifting injuries. I’ve had biceps tendonosis/bursitis flare ups multiple times and I’ve done the RICE treatment, stretching, and even a cortisone shot once but nothing has been as immediately effective as visiting an Active Release practitioner. It is excruciating but 2 days after I feel incredible. I’m sure any soft tissue specialist, my fascia release, etc will be able bit help but give it a shot. Then for the preventative side, I highly recommend finding a deep tissue massage therapist that is patient and strong. A deep tissue massage as often as you can afford works wonders.
I'll give a chiropractor a shot I've been wanting to try one out.Thanks for the advice
Sometimes shit happens. I just bench pressed for the first time in years because I outgrew the gym's dumbbells and now my shoulder is fucked for a week, maybe two.
FYI, thats how i tore my pec, i dumbell benched for 4 years only, first day on barbell i tore it. The weight plus my arm length plus the added strength, made a recipe for disaster.
Sometimes shit happens. I just bench pressed for the first time in years because I outgrew the gym's dumbbells and now my shoulder is fucked for a week, maybe two.
FYI, thats how i tore my pec, i dumbell benched for 4 years only, first day on barbell i tore it. The weight plus my arm length plus the added strength, made a recipe for disaster.

Im tall and my shoulders are shot. Any pressing I do close grip with elbows close to my body. If I flare my elbows out its immediately painful. Keep elbows tucked in close to my body and I find the sweetspot where I can press comfortably