New member lurked for a min


New Member
30 year old male
210 pounds 5’10”
Been lifting for 13 years

started lifting after a break up in high school and shortly after my buddy from the military got me into prohormones. Did a few pro hormone cycles before the 2014 ban. I did a basic test e cycle in 2015, Dabbled In some sarms. Had problems with substance abuse (clean 7 years now) and have been consistently going to the gym 5-6 days a week for the last 7 years. Currently on TRT and have used meso for multiple sources to enhance my TRT. The last 3 years I’ve taken the gym and nutrition serious. Bloodwork taken every 3 months. I’ve done 4 blasts as far as gear cycles go. I Have been a lurker for years and finally decided to make an account. Thanks for your time.